Kezdőlap Hírek Már dolgoznak a nagyobb Blood Shard cap-n

Már dolgoznak a nagyobb Blood Shard cap-n


Gondolom nemcsak én vagyok úgy, hogy közel az 500 Blood Shard, akkor irány Kadala és pikk pakk elköltöm, ha szerencsém van akkor talán esik valami használható. Mivel az 500 elég hamar összeszedhető a GRifteknek köszönhetően, és a játékosok is sokat panaszkodtak emiatt, a Blizzard már dolgozik rajta, hogy ez a szám nagyobb legyen. Jelenleg úgy képzelik el, hogy az 1500 túl sok lenne, viszont a 750-1000 darab már elképzelhető lenne valamilyen teljesítmény jutalmaként, de hogy ebből mikor lesz egyáltalán bármi is, még ők sem tudják. Továbbra is marad a várakozás és a türelem.


Tyvalir: Awesome idea, Cabrawr!
I like how your suggestion takes into account the design goal that Travis talked about of ensuring that new players understand what Blood Shards are (and that they’re meant to be used regularly, rather than hoarded) while also acknowledging the request from more advanced players for a higher Blood Shard cap. Rather than ignore one group or the other, your suggestion takes into account both groups, and focuses on a solution that might work for both of them. Very, very cool!

Wyatt also commented on a thread with a similarly constructive suggestion over on Reddit Diablo, and I wanted to share what he posted here, to add to the discussion:

Wyatt: As mentioned during the Tavern Talk, we would like to increase the cap via some mechanism that allows players to unlock it via accomplishment. As we mentioned, players clearing high rifts are hitting the cap more frequently than intended.

A 1500 cap is probably too high, because as you heard on the Tavern Talk, we don’t want veteran players to defer their reward for too long, but allowing players to raise to 750 or 1000 via some accomplishments? That might be workable.

Another thing I like about this idea is that it’s a personal reward for improving your personal best Rift. As we also discussed, I would love if the game could celebrate personal bests better 🙂 Forget those leaderboards – if I just want to do a Whirlwind build, I would love the game to celebrate each time I reach a new highest rift.

