Kezdőlap Béta Túl nagyok a számok?

Túl nagyok a számok?


Lylirrához hasonlóan Vaneras is munkálkodik a felhasználói vélemények összegyűjtésében: többen is jelezték, hogy a RoS bétában túl nagy számokkal dolgozunk: a karakterek dps-ei meghaladták az egymilliót, a védelmi értékek és a magasabb fokozatokon lévő szörnyek életereje és sebzése is jelentősen nőtt. Konkrét véleményeket és ötleteket gyűjtenek arra vonatkozóan, hogy a játékosok milyen irányban látnák inkább szívesen a játék haladását.

Quite a lot of good feedback in this thread so far, thanks for that guys 🙂

The concern about large numbers in RoS, both in regards to damage as well as health pools, is one that has been brought up before and this is also a topic we are looking for more feedback on.

To those of you who are concerned about large damage numbers, could you tell us a little more about what kind of damage values you would like to see in game? Also, what would you consider a decent progression of your character’s damage output?

To those of you who are concerned about large health pools (especially on the higher difficulties), could you tell us more about the kind of health pools you would expect to see in said difficulties? And how do you think those health pools should correlate with your charaters damage output?

Lastly, what is your opinion on torment difficulty in regards to damage and health pool numbers in general? Besides increased health pools/damage of monsters, what do you think should set the higher difficulties apart from the lower ones? (forrás)