Kezdőlap Patch Hotfixek – October 31

Hotfixek – October 31


Újabb hibajavítások érkeztek a szerverekre.

Crash-t, és más kellemetlenségeket okozó jelenségekre jött a mostani gyógyír.

Bug Fixes

  • Goldskin’s “100% Extra Gold from Monsters” affix will no longer affect monsters that are not intended to drop any loot
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Sokahr the Keywarden to become stuck at 1 point of health
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Butcher to go idle when stunned after performing his Charge attack during “The Imprisoned Angel: Kill the Butcher”
  • Fixed an issue that allowed some players to continue to dual-wield two-handed weapons under extremely rare circumstances
  • Fixed an issue that caused many players to receive an “Error 3006” when reaching the Retrieving Heroes step during login
    • Please note that we’ve only resolved one cause for this error, and that it may still occur in some situations
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when gold dropped in bad locations
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the game loaded the wrong zone (based on incorrect information about the player’s location) and then attempted to clear that zone