Felütötte fejét egy hiba, amely során az ATI/AMD tulajdonosok számára problémák léphettek fel a Desolate Sands területen.
Megjelent egy új béta driver, amely megoldja a fennálló problémát. Akiknél jelentkezett hiba, azoknak érdemes megpróbálni ezt a frissítést.
Az illesztőprogram javítja a Desolate Sands területen bekövetkező crashelést.
AMD Catalyst eltávolítása: support.amd.com
AMD Catalyst telepítése: support.amd.com
Due to reports of a GPU memory leak, I’d advise users to not try the latest beta AMD drivers at this time. I’ll leave the text of my earlier post up for now but please, use caution when using these drivers as they may cause other system issues apparently.
Original post below, please read above warning before using.
For those of you with AMD video cards who have been experiencing issues with the game in the Desolate Sands area among a few others possibly, AMD/ATI has released a new set of beta drivers reportedly resolving the issue.
They can be located here: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/latest-catalyst-windows-beta.aspx
The AMD Catalyst™ Software Suite, AMD Catalyst™ 15.9 Beta Driver contains the following:
AMD Catalyst™ Display Driver version 15.201.1151
Resolved Issues:
[59474] Diablo 3 crashes in the Act 2 Desolate Sands area of the game
Please give them a try if you’re interested.
We suggest following AMD’s installation and uninstallation support articles for the drivers.
How-To Uninstall AMD Catalyst™ Drivers from a Windows® Based System
How-To Install AMD Catalyst™ Drivers for a Windows® Based System
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