Kezdőlap Patch Még több Soon™ és a trade scamekről

Még több Soon™ és a trade scamekről


A hét végére úgy tűnik a Blizzard CM-ek kezdik aktivizálni magukat. Igazából a közelgő új patchről semmi fontosat nem tudtunk meg most sem, de legalább már kezdenek rügyezni a kékek.

A trade scammel kapcsolatban jött a válasz, miszerint mindent megtesznek azért, hogy a játékosok biztonságban érezhessék magukat a játékban és nyugodtan tradelhessenek. Persze a trade ablak átvariálása koránt sem olyan egyszerű, hogy egy hotfixben adjanak ki javítást. Ehelyett kliens szinten kell változtatásokat végrehajtani ezt pedig csak egy nagyobb patch-hez csapva hajthatják végre, mint például az 1.0.4. Ennek ellenére kérnek minket, hogy tartsuk észben: az implementáció és tesztelés miatt bizony lehetnek csúszások.

On trade scams…
That said, we are definitely aware of the scams you and other players have reported and are working on improvements to the Trade window that should help prevent those types of scams from occurring in the future. I’ve spoken with our developers about this issue, and I can assure you that they’re passionate about finding a resolution and making it so that players can feel safe and confident about trading with each other again. Unfortunately, the kinds of improvements we’re making cannot be implemented via hotfix and instead require a full client patch, so please don’t think that because we haven’t made any changes yet that we do not consider this is a priority. We’re hoping to get these improvements in as soon as possible (i.e. with 1.0.4), but keep in mind that sometimes schedules can change due to testing and implementation needs.

In the meantime, we encourage players to always be mindful of possible scams, and to use caution when trading with people they don’t know. Additionally, as we posted previously, if you have knowledge of a possible scam (or exploit, hack, or bot), the best way to inform us is by emailing or by completing this web form. We also ask that you refrain from posting information on how to scam or exploit others in the forums.

A gemekkel kapcsolatban volt egy felvetés, hogy meg kellene változtatni a földön látható szövege színét. A Blizz válasza az volt, hogy már terveztek változtatásokat ezzel kapcsolatban: a gemek szövegének világoskék színe lesz a földön, továbbá hasonló szövegszín változtatást terveznek a potion-ökre, pages of training-ekre és tome-okra. A legendary színe nem fog változni.

Wouldn’t be nice if gems (laying on the ground) have their specific colour of highlight text? (like runes in latest patch in D2 LoD).

This is actually something we are planning on doing :-)

The colour of the ground text on gems will be changed from white to light blue, which will make gems stand out more from gold drops and other common item drops. We also plan to change the ground text colour on potions, pages of training, and tomes.

What about legendary items? Certain zones almost make them invisible.

We have no immediate plans for changing the ground text colour of legendary items, but that is not the same as it might not happen at all though. It is something we are keeping an eye on for sure :-)

Akik pedig nem értenék, hogy mi ez a mizéria a “soon” szó körül, olvassák el a következő kék postot:

Blizzard is this some kind of a joke to you ? You are so professional ! Oh my god! You said “soon” and then get paid for “moderating”! Awesome!

No joke was intended, at least not in the sense you may think.

We often get asked about ETAs and dates of patches, and almost just as often we cannot give an answer because a date has yet to be set.
When we say “Soon™” it is because we are not entirely sure when the patch will actually be ready.
When we say “Soon™” it is because we prefer not to promise a date, which will then cause a lot of anger and frustration if we miss it.
When we say “Soon™” it is because we do not want to create false hopes and raise expectations we may not be able to meet.
When we say “Soon™” it is because Blizzard as a company is known to be using the word “soon” rather often, hence the play on the ”™”.

Until such a time when we are absolutely sure that the patch will be ready, only then will we provide an ETA or date.

Anyway I can understand most of the points. I assume there is also a certain level of secrecy at blizzard to prevent leaks, that will cause just the problems you have mentioned.

Sure, that goes for secrecy as well. People tend to get angry or frustrated if they are disappointed by announced content not being released on time (or not at all), so we tend to avoid promising things if we are not sure they will be ready and/or working asintended.

just give us some path notes or headsup for whats going to change and instead of w8ting its wil be soon

The changes planned for the upcoming patch are not fully set in stone yet, so it is very possible that there will be several changes until such a time when a date for the patch has been set and the patch notes can be finalised.

If we were to post patch notes now, and if it then turns out that some of the things in those notes doesn’t make it for the patch anyway, then people will get disappointed and frustrated and they’re gonna have a bad time.

I totally understand that the whole “soon” thing is frustrating, but it is not nearly as frustrating as when something you were expecting gets delayed, removed or changed to something completely different.

forrás: incgamers