Kezdőlap Egyéb Legendary craft alapanyagok

Legendary craft alapanyagok


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Torment I
Torment II
Torment III
Torment IV
Torment V
Torment VI

Adventurer’s Journal and Grisworld’s Scribblings can drop for lower level characters, even in vanilla Diablo 3. This is likely due to the fact that they drop from environment objects instead of monsters.

 Adventurer’s Journal

  • Acquired from: Act I-V, many areas, many World Objects – lootable and breakable ones (probably no chests, though), a complete list seems pointless.
  • Where to farm: ?
  • Used for: Penders Purchase, Hands, 6 random magic properties
  • Note: Can also be acquired in Patch 2.0.1+ vanilla Diablo 3 by characters of any level.

 Angelic Shard

      • Acquired from: Act IV, The Great Span, Izual (Quest spawn Corrupted Angel), Bounty: Kill Izual

Act IV, The Silver Spire Level 1, Pyres the Damned (Rare spawn Corrupted Angel), Bounty: Kill Pyres the Damned


      Act V, Battlefields of Eternity, Erelus (Event spawn Corrupted Angel)


      Act V, Realm of the Banished (Realmwalker Portal in Battlefields of Eternity), Haziael (Rare spawn Corrupted Angel), Bounty: Kill Haziael


      Act V, Pandemonium Fortress Level 1, Judgement Event, Judge Alzarius (Event spawn Corrupted Angel)


      Act V, Pandemonium Fortress Level 2, Celik (Rare spawn)


    • Where to farm: Act IV, The Great Span, Izual
    • Used for: Hallowed Barricade, Shield, Holy skills deal 15–20% more damage, 5 random magic properties

Hallowed Baton

      , Wand, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Holy Damage, 5 random magic properties

Hallowed Breach

      , 1h Axe, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Holy Damage, 5 random magic properties

Hallowed Condemnation

      , Hand Crossbow, +(858–1049)–(1028–1304) Holy Damage, 5 random magic properties

Hallowed Hold

      , Fist Weapon, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Holy Damage, 5 random magic properties

Hallowed Nemesis

      , 1h Mighty Weapon, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Holy Damage, 5 random magic properties

Hallowed Sufferance

      , Ceremonial Knife, +(1098–1316)–(1644–1959) Holy Damage, 5 random magic properties


  • Set bonus Hallowed Protectors: (2): +100 Resistance to All Elements, Attack Speed Increased by 10.0%

 Behistun Rune

      • Acquired from: Act I, Southern Highlands, Cadhul the Deathcaller (Rare spawn Dark Summoner)

Act I, Khazra Den, Urik The Seer (Quest spawn Dark Summoner)


      Act I, Leorics manor, Jezeb the Conjurer (Rare spawn Dark Summoner), Bounty: Kill Jezeb the Conjurer


      Act I, Leoric’s Manor, Krailen the Wicked (Rare spawn Dark Summoner), Bounty: Kill Krailen the Wicked


      Act II, Road to Alcarnus, Yeth (Rare spawn Hellion), Bounty: Kill Yeth


      Act II, Road to Alcarnus, Shondar the Invoker (Rare spawn Drak Summoner), Bounty: Kill Shondar the Invoker


      Act V, Westmarch Commons, Pontius (Rare spawn Drak Summoner)


  • Where to farm: Act II, Road to Alcarnus
  • Used for: Mark of the Magi, Staff, +(1177–1439)–(1410–1788) Arcane Damage, 5 random magic properties

 Bloody Pincer

      • Acquired from: Act III; The Core of Arreat Level 1, Severclaw (Rare spawn Stygian Crawler), Bounty: Kill Severclaw

Act III, Tower of the Damned Level 2, Crabbs (Rare spawn Stygian Crawler), Bounty: Kill Crabbs


      Act III, The Core of Arreat, Scorpitox (Rare spawn Stygian Crawler), Bounty: Kill Scorpitox


      Act V, Ruins of Corvus, Balata (Event spawn Scarab)


      Act V, Ruins of Corvus, Vosk (Rare spawn Scarab)


  • Where to farm: Act V, Ruins of Corvus
  • Used for: Demon Claw, Fist Weapon, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Fire Damage, 5 random magic properties

 Born’s Key

      • Acquired from: Act I, Cemetery of the Forsaken, Lucious the Depraved (Rare spawn Brigand)

Act I, Defiled Crypt, Digger O’Dell (Rare spawn Ghastly Gravedigger), Bounty: Kill Digg O’Dell


      Act I, Defiled Crypt, Dataminer (Rare spawn Ghastly Gravedigger), Bounty: Kill the Dataminer


      Act I, Defiled Crypt, John Gorham Coffin (Rare spawn Ghastly Gravedigger)


      Act I, Defiled Crypt, Drury Brown (Rare spawn Ghastly Gravedigger)


    • Where to farm: Act I, Cemetery of the Forsaken and Crypts
    • Used for: Born’s Frozen Soul, Chest, 6 random magic properties

Born’s Furious Wrath

      , 1h Sword, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Holy Damage, 5 random magic properties

Born’s Privilege

      , Shoulders, 6 random magic properties


  • Set bonus Born’s Command: (2): +15% Life, (3): Reduces cooldown of all skills by 10.0%, Increases Bonus Experience by 20%

 Captured Nightmare

      • Acquired from: Act IV, The Silver Spire Level 2, Grimnight the Soulless (Rare spawn Enslaved Nightmare)

Act IV, The Silver Spire Level 2, Haures (Rare spawn Enslaved Nightmare), Bounty: Kill Haures


  • Where to farm: Act IV, The Silver Spire Level 2
  • Used for: Night’s Reaping, 1h Mighty Weapon, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Cold Damage, +14–18% Life, 4 random magic properties

 Captured Soul

      • Acquired from: Act III, The Keep Depths Level 1, Lashtongue (Rare spawn Soul Ripper), Bounty: Kill Lashtongue

Act III, The Keep Depths Level 2, Aloysius the Ghastly (Rare spawn Soul Ripper), Bounty: Kill Aloysius the Ghastly


  • Where to farm: Act III, The Keep Depths Level 2 (You might want to remake the game until you get a bounty)
  • Used for: Lai Yui’s Persuader, Daibo, +(1177–1439)–(1410–1788) Cold Damage, 5 random magic properties

 Cartographer’s Toolkit

      • Acquired from: Act I, Festering Woods, Grimsmack (Rare spawn Ghoul), Bounty: Kill Grimsmack

Act I, Festering Woods, Eternal War Event, Enkidu, Bounty: Eternal War


      Act III, Rakkis Crossing, Blaze of Glory Event, Lavarinth (Event spawn Ghoul), Bounty: Blaze of Glory


      Act III, Tower of the Damned Level 1, Gholash (Rare spawn Ghoul), Bounty: Kill Gholash


  • Where to farm: Act I, Festering Woods
  • Used for: Board Walkers, Feet, +10–12% Movement Speed, 5 random magic properties

 Cultist Blood

      • Acquired from: Act I, Northern Highlands, Percepeus (Rare spawn Cultist), Bounty: Kill Percepeus

Act I, Highlands Cave, Apothecary’s Borther Event, Brakan (Event spawn Cultist)


      Act I, Leoric’s Manor, Sarella the Vile (Rare spawn Cultist)


      Act I, Halls of Agony Level 1, Cultist Grand Inquisitor (Common spawn Cultist)


      Act II, Alcarnus, High Cultist Murdos (Rare spawn Cultist), Bounty: Kill High Cultist Murdos


      Act II, Alcarnus, Jhorum the Cleric (Rare spawn Cultist), Bounty: Kill Jhorum the Cleric


  • Where to farm: Act I, Halls of Agony Level 1
  • Used for: Blood-Magic Edge, Dagger, +(858–1049)–(1028–1304) Damage, Increases Attack Speed by 5–7%, Blood oozes from you, 3 random magic properties

 Defiled Doll

      • Acquired from: Act III, Tower of the Damned Level 1, Demonika the Wicked (Rare spawn Succubus), Bounty: Kill Demonika the Wicked

Act IV, The Silver Spire Level 1, Kysindra the Wretched (Rare spawn Succubus), Bounty: Kill Kysindra the Wretched


      Act V, House of Deep Sorrow (Westmarch Commons), Lady Victoria (Event spawn Succubus)


  • Where to farm: Testing needed.
  • Used for: Spite, Mojo, +(279–348)–(280–418) Damage, Critical Hit Chance Increased by 8.0–10.0%, +120–150 Maximum Mana (Witch Doctor Only), 4 random magic properties

 Demon Skin

      • Acquired from: Act III, The Core of Arreat, Axgore the Cleaver (Rare spawn Phase Beast), Bounty: Kill Axgore the Cleaver

Act III, Tower of the Damned Level 1, Haxxor (Rare spawn Phase Beast), Bounty: Kill Haxxor


      Act III, Tower of the Damned Level 2, Brimstone (Rare spawn Phase Beast), Bounty: Kill Brimstone


      Act IV, Gardens of Hope Tier 1, Khatun (Rare Spawn Sky Terror), Bounty: Kill Khatun


      Act IV, Gardens of Hope Tier 2, Razorclaw (Quest spawn Sky Terror, spawns during quest The Light of Hope)


    • Where to farm: Act IV, Quest The Light of Hope, Gardens of Hope Tier 2 (near portal to The Crystal Colonnade, do NOT go through the portal before remaking the game.)
    • Used for: Demon’s Aileron, Shoulders, 6 random magic properties

Demon’s Animus

      , Wrists, 6 random magic properties

Demon’s Marrow

      , Torso, 6 random magic properties

Demon’s Plate

      , Legs, 6 random magic properties

Demon’s Restraint

      , Waist, 6 random magic properties


  • Set bonus Demon’s Hide: (2): Ranged and melee attackers take 6000 Fire damage per hit, (3): Chance to Deal 25% Area Damage on Hit, (4): +15% Damage to Demons, Chance to reflect projectiles when you are hit by enemies.

 Element of Celerity

      • Acquired from: Act I, The Weeping Hollow, Mange (Rare spawn Scavenger), Bounty: Kill Mange

Act I, Fields of Misery, Forlon Farm Event, Burrow Bile (Event spawn Scavenger), Bounty: Forlon Farm


      Act I, Fields of Misery, Dreadclaw the Leaper (Rare spawn Scavenger)


      Act I, The Lost Mine (Fields of Misery), The Precious Ores Event, Shanabi (Event spawn Scavenger)


      Act I, Watch Tower Level 2, Scavenged Scabbard Event, Armorer’s Bane (Event spawn Scavenger), Bounty: Scavenged Scabbard


  • Where to farm: Act I, Fields of Misery
  • Used for: Fleeting Strap, Waist, Attack Speed Increased by 5.0–7.0%, 5 random magic properties

 Essence of the Twin Seas

      • Acquired from: Act II, Black Canyon Mines, Razormouth (Rare spawn Dune Thresher), Bounty: Kill Razormouth

Act II, Stinging Winds, Monstrous Dune Thresher (Rare spawn Dune Thresher)


      Act II, Sewers of Caldeum, Moontooth Dreadshark (Rare spawn Dune Thresher, appears from some rubble)


    • Where to farm: Act II, Sewers of Caldeum (Moontooth Dreadshark appears from some rubble in a daed end pointing north east, requiring to walk into it before you see him)
    • Used for: Captain Crimson’s Silk Girdle, Waist, 6 random magic properties

Captain Crimson’s Thrust

      , Legs, 6 random magic properties

Captain Crimson’s Waders

      , Feet, 6 random magic properties


  • Set bonus Captain Crimson’s Trimmings: (2): Regenerates 2000 Life per Second, Reduces cooldown of all skills by 10.0%, (3): +50 Resistance to All Elements, Reduces all resource costs by 10%

 Eternal Power Capsule

      • Acquired from: Act I, Whimsyshire, Evil Oliver (Rare spawn Cuddle Bear)

Act I, Whimsyshire, Tubbers (Rare Spawn Cuddle Bear)


  • Where to farm: Act I, Whimsyshire (aka Pony Level)
  • Used for: Arcane Barb, Crossbow, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Arcane Damage, 5 random magic properties

 Eyes of the Dead

      • Acquired from: Act I, Leoric’s Passage, Headcleaver (Quest spawn Skeleton)

Act I, Cathedral Level 2, Merrium Skullthorn (Rare spawn Skeleton), Bounty: Kill Merrium Skullthorn


  • Where to farm: Act I, Leoric’s Passage, Quest The Legacy of Cain – Explore Cellar
  • Used for: War of the Dead, 2h Mighty Weapon, (1992–2254)–(2304–2682) Damage, 5 random magic properties

 Frozen Blood

  • Acquired from: Act III, Caverns of Frost, Chiltara (Rare spawn Lacuni Huntress)
  • Where to farm: Campaign Mode, Act III, Caverns of Frost
  • Used for: Utar’s Roar, 1h Axe, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Cold Damage, Cold skills deal 15–20% more damage, 4 random magic properties

 Glowing Ore

      • Acquired from: Act V, Battlefields of Eternity, Sartor (Rare spawn Primordial Scavenger), Bounty: Kill Sartor

Act V, Realm of the Banished, Magrethar (Rare spawn Primordial Scavenger), Bounty: Kill Magrethar


      Act V, Realm of the Banished, Rockulus (Rare spawn Primordial Scavenger)


      Act V, Pandemonium Fortress, Demon Souls Event, Soul Scavenger (Event spawn Primordial Scavenger), Bounty: Demon Souls


  • Where to farm: Act V, Battlefields of Eternity
  • Used for: Cosmic Strand, Source, Teleport gains the effect of the Wormhole rune, 5 random magic properties

 Griswold’s Scribblings

      • Acquired from: All places where lore books may drop, what follows is just an excerpt.

Act I, Cathedral, Bookshelves


      Act I, Cemetery of the Forsaken, Gravedigger’s corpse


      Act I, Festering Woods, Enmerkar (Last Stand of the Ancients Event)


      Act I, Wortham Chapel, Bookshelves


      Act II, Khasim Outpost, Cain’s Lost Satchel


      Act II, Khasim Outpost, Imperial Guard Supplies (normally drops the “Captain’s Order”)


      Act II, Zoltun Kulle dungeons, Bookcases


      Act III, Skycrown Battlements, Morgan’s Satchel


      Act III, The Keep Depths, Lore objects


      Act IV, Multiple areas, Angiris Archives


  • Where to farm: Act I, Worthan Chapel Cellar, Bookshelves
  • Used for: Griswold’s Perfection, 1h Sword, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Fire Damage, 5 random magic properties
  • Note: Can also be acquired in Patch 2.0.1+ vanilla Diablo 3 by characters of any level.

 Hilt of the Silver Wolf

      • Acquired from: Act III, Arreat Crater Level 1, Growlfang (Rare spawn Fallen Hound), Bounty: Kill Growlfang

Act III, Tower of the Damned Level 1, Gnawbone (Rare spawn Fallen Hound)


  • Where to farm: Act III, Arreat Crater Level 1
  • Used for: Golden Scourge, 1h Flail, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Holy Damage, Holy skills deal 15–20% more damage, Smite now jumps to 3 additional enemies, 3 random magic properties

 Human Cartilage

      • Acquired from: Act I, Cathedral Level 2, Cudgelarm (Rare spawn Grotesque)

Act I, Defiled Crypt Level 2, Manglemaw (Grotesque, spawns during quest A Shattered Crown)


      Act I, Halls of Agony Level 2, A Stranger in Need Event, Tormented Behemoth (Event spawn Grotesque), Bounty A Stranger in Need


      Act I, Halls of Agony Level 2, Crassus the Tormentor (Rare spawn Grotesque), Bounty: Kill Crassus the Tormentor


  • Where to farm: Defiled Crypt Level 2, Enter it in Quest Mode with A Shattered Crown active and remake the game as soon as you kill him, do NOT go through the door.
  • Used for: Wall of Man, Shield, 20–30% chance to be protected by a shield of bones when you are hit, 5 random magic properties

 Iron Wolves Doctrine

      • Acquired from: Act II, Caldeum Sewers, Ningish (Rare spawn Deceiver Magi)

Act II, Dahlgur Oasis, Ssthrass (Common spawn Deceiver Magi)


    • Where to farm: Act II, Dahlgur Oasis, Quest Blood and Sand (Waterlogged Passage), Take the waypoint to Dhalguhr Oasis, go to the far north of the map and kill Ssthrass, enter the Ancient Waterway and leave the game, restart the game, take the portal from town, leave the Ancient Waterway again and kill Ssthrass right outside, repeat.
    • Used for: Asheara’s Custodian, Shoulders, 6 random magic properties

Asheara’s Finders

      , Feet, 6 random magic properties

Asheara’s Pace

      , Legs, 6 random magic properties

Asheara’s Ward

      , Hands, 6 random magic properties


  • Set bonus Asheara’s Vestments: (2): +100 Resistance to All Elements, (3): +20% Life, (4): Attacks cause your followers to occasionally come to your aid.

 Living Flame

      • Acquired from: Act IV, The Silver Spire Level 2, Sao’Thall (Rare spawn Morlu Caster)

Act IV, The Silver Spire Level 2, Rhau’Kye (Rare spawn Morlu Caster), Bounty: Kill Rhau’Kye


      Act IV, Radiant Chapel, Malfeas the Abhorrent (Rare spawn Morlu Caster)


  • Where to farm: Act IV, The Silver Spire Level 2
  • Used for: Cinder Switch, 2h Axe, +(1177–1439)–(1410–1788) Fire Damage, 25–50% chance to cast a fireball when attacking, 4 random magic properties

 Lyekurn’s Diary

  • Acquired from: Act III, Heart of Sin, Azmodan, Bounty: Kill Azmodan
  • Where to farm: Act III, Heart of Sin
  • Used for: Corruption, Shoudlers, 6 random magic properties

 Maghda’s Tormented Soul

    • Acquired from: Act II, Lair of the Witch, Maghda, Bounty: Kill Maghda
    • Where to farm: Act II, Lair of the Witch (Alcarnus), Maghda
    • Used for: Cain’s Habit, Legs, 6 random magic properties

Cain’s Insight

      , Head, 6 random magic properties

Cain’s Scrivener

      , Hands, 6 random magic properties

Cain’s Travelers

      , Feet, 6 random magic properties


  • Set bonus Cain’s Destiny: (2): Attack Speed Increased by 8.0%, (3): 50% Better Chance of Finding Magical Items, Increases Bonus Experience by 50%

 Mystical Source

      • Acquired from: Act I, Whimsyshire, Midnight Sparkle (Rare spawn Purple Pony)

Act I, Whimsyshire, Nightmarity (Rare spawn Purple Pony)


      Act I, Whimsyshire, Team Unicorn (3 tiny rare spawn Purple Ponies, (each has a chance to drop the item))


      Act I, Whimsyshire, Creampuff (Rare spawn Purple Pony)


    • Where to farm: Act I, Whimsyshire (aka Pony Level)
    • Used for: Sage’s Apogee, Head, Empty Socket, 5 random magic properties

Sage’s Passage

      , Feet, 6 random magic properties

Sage’s Purchase

      , Hands, 6 random magic properties


  • Set Bonus Sage’s Journey: (2): +250 Strength, +250 Dexterity, +250 Intelligence, +250 Vitality, (3): Whenever a Death’s Breath drops, a second one will also drop.

 Phial of Weakness

      • Acquired from: Act III, The Battlefields, Deadgrasp (Rare spawn Herald of Pestilence), Bounty: Kill Deadgrasp

Act III, The Battlefields, Triage Event, Handible (Event spawn Herald of Pestilence), Bounty: Triage


      Act III, Arreat Crater Level 1, Valifahr the Noxious (Rare spawn Herald of Pestilence), Bounty: Kill Valifahr the Noxious


  • Where to farm: Act III, The Battlefields
  • Used for: Atrophy, Wand, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Fire Damage, 5 random magic properties

 Quaking Vial

  • Acquired from: Act IV, Hellrift Level 1, Sledge (Rare spawn Mallet Lord), Bounty: Kill Sledge
  • Act IV, Hellrift Level 2, Hammermash (Rare spawn Mallet Lord), Bounty: Kill Hammermash
  • Where to farm: Act IV, Hellrift Level 1+2
  • Used for: Sunder, 2h Mace, +(1177–1439)–(1410–1788) Fire Damage, 25–50% chance to sunder the ground your enemies walk on when you attack, 4 random magic properties

 Reaper’s Fear

  • Acquired from: Act V, Heart of the Fortress, Malthael, Bounty: Kill Malthael
  • Where to farm: Act V, Heart of the Fortress
  • Used for: Reaper’s Wraps, Wrists, Health globes restore 25–30% of your primary resource, 5 random magic properties (as opposed to the 8 properties according to
  • Note: Malthael also drops the Recipe for Reaper’s Wraps.

 Rydraelm Tome

      • Acquired from: Act II, The Lost Caravan (Stinging Winds), Beyatt (Rare spawn Fallem Shaman)

Act II, Dalguhr Oasis, Ashangu (Rare spawn Fallem Shaman, stands on a little plateau over a pond, spawns Deranged Fallen (the exploding ones))


      Act II, Dalguhr Oasis, Bashiok (Rare spawn Fallem Shaman), Bounty: Kill Bashiok


      Act II, Dalguht Oasis, Mundunogo (Rare spawn Fallem Shaman)


 Shard of Entsteig Plate

      • Acquired from: Act I, Defiled Crypt, The Matriarch’s Bones Event, Lord Dunhyld (Event spawn Enraged Phantom), Bounty: The Matriarch’s Bones

Act I, The Festering Woods, Feklar’s Ghost (Rare spawn Enraged Phantom), Bounty: Kill Feklar’s Ghost


      Act I, The Festering Woods, Hawthorne Gable (Rare spawn Enraged Phantom), Bounty: Kill Hawthorne Gable


      Act II, Sewers of Caldeum, Shade of Nar Gulle (Rare spawn Enraged Phantom)


      Act II, Sewers of Caldeum, Chiman’s Curse Chest mini Event, Raziel (Event spawn Enraged Phantom)


      Act II, Unknown Dephts, The Archivist (Event spawn Enraged Phantom), Bounty: Kill The Archivist


      Act II, Tomb of Khan Dakab, Spirit of Khan Dakab (Event spawn Enraged Phantom), Bounty: Spirit of Khan Dakab


      Act II, Realm of Shadow, The Tomekeeper (Rare spawn Enraged Phantom), Bounty: Kill the Tomekeeper


    • Where to farm: Act I, The Festering Woods
    • Used for: Aughild’s Power, Shoulders, 6 random magic properties

Aughild’s Rule

      , Torso, 6 random magic properties

Aughild’s Search

      , Wrists, 6 random magic properties

Aughild’s Spike

      , Head, +91–100 Resistance to All Elements, 5 random magic properties


  • Set Bonus Aughild’s Authority: (2): Reduces damage from ranged attacks by 7.0%, Reduces damage from melee attacks by 7.0%, (3): Reduces damage from elites by 15.0%, Increases damage against elites by 15%

 Shattered Core

      • Acquired from: Act II, Desolate Sands, Ancient Device Event, Ernutet (Event spawn Sand Dweller)

Act II, Forgotten Ruins, Ancient Guardian (Rare spawn Sand Dweller)


      Act II, Unknown Depths, Rockgut (Rare spawn Sand Dweller), Bounty: Kill Rockgut


      Act II, Realm of Shadow, Thrum (Rare spawn Sand Dweller), Bounty: Kill Thrum


  • Where to farm: Act II, Realm of Shadow
  • Used for: Devastator, 1h Mace, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Fire Damage, Fire skills deal 15–20% more damage, 4 random magic properties

 Shimmering Quill

      • Acquired from: Act I, Dank Cellar (Tristram Road), Sarkoth (Rare spawn Quill Fiend)

Act I, Musty Cellar (Tristram Road), Gorathra (Rare spawn Quill Fiend)


      Act III, Keep Depths Level 1, Thornback (Rare spawn Quill Beast), Bounty: Kill Thornback


  • Where to farm: Act I, Cellars along Tristram Road
  • Used for: Unbound Bolt, Bow, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Cold Damage, Increases Attack Speed by 5–7%, Critical Hit Damage Increased by 31.0–35.0%, 3 random magic properties

 Shuddering Demon Bone

      • Acquired from: Act IV, Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier, Kao’Ahn (Rare spawn Morlu), Bounty: Kill Kao’Ahn

Act IV, Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier, Oah’Tash (Rare spawn Morlu), Bounty: Kill Oah’Tash


  • Where to farm: Act IV, Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier
  • Used for: Archfiend Arrows, Quiver, Attack Speed Increased by 15.0–20.0%, Critical Hit Chance Increased by 8.0–10.0%, Increases damage against elites by 5–8%, 4 random magic properties

 Skelon’s Dice

      • Acquired from: Act IV, Gardens of Hope 1st Tier, Torchlighter (Rare spawn Opressor), Bounty: Kill Torchlighter

Act V, Path of War, Belphegor (Quest spawn Opressor)


      Act V, Battlefields of Eternity, Volux the Forgotten (Rare spawn Opressor, appears from a Timeless Prison)


      Act V, Battlefields of Eternity, Emikdeva (Rare spawn Warscarred Ravager, appears from a Timeless Prison)


      Act V, Battlefields of Eternity, Korchoroth (Rare spawn Warscarred Ravager, appears from a Timeless Prison)


      Act V, Battlefields of Eternity, Keeper Hashemel (Rare spawn Opressor, appears from a Timeless Prison)


      Act V, Realm of the Banished (Realmwalker Portal in Battlefields of Eternity), Borgoth (Rare spawn Opressor), Bounty: Kill Borgoth


      Act V, The Siege Outpost, Thilor (Rare spwan Warcscarred Ravager)


      Act V, Heart of the Fortress, Malthael


  • Where to farm: Act V, Battlefields of Eternity
  • Used for: Skelons Deceit, Legs, 6 random magic properties

 Skull of Raylend

      • Acquired from: Act III, The Keep Depths Level 2, Bholen (Rare spawn Colossal Golgor), Bounty: Kill Bholen

Act III, Rakki’s Crossing, Garganug (Rare spawn Colossal Golgor), Bounty: Kill Garganug


      Act III, Core of Arreat, Gorog the Bruiser (Rare spawn Colossal Golgor), Bounty: Kill Gorog the Bruiser


  • Where to farm: Act III, Core of Arreat
  • Used for: The Helm of Rule, Head,+626–750 Vitality, +11% Chance to Block, 4 random magic properties

 Sydryu Bone

      • Acquired from: Act I, Cathedral Level 1, Glidewing (Rare spawn Bat), Bounty: Kill Glidewing

Act I, Cathedral Level 2, Firestarter (Rare spawn Bat), Bounty: Kill Firestarter


      Act I, Fields of Misery, Carrion Farm Event, Sicklefang (Event spawn Bat), Bounty: Carrion Farm


      Act II, Unknown Depths, Hellscream (Rare spawn Bat)


  • Where to farm: Needs testing, I believe Act I, Fields of Misery might be the best choice as the event is easy to find and spawns frequently.
  • Used for: Sydryu Crust, Bow, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Poison Damage, Increases Attack Speed by 5–7%, Increases damage against elites by 9–10%, 3 random magic properties

 Symbol of the Guardian Brotherhood

      • Acquired from: Act III, Skycrown Battlements, Thromp the Breaker (Rare spawn Demon Trooper), Bounty: Kill Thromp the Breaker

Act III, Stonefort, Bashface the Truncheon (Rare spawn Demon Trooper), Bounty: Kill Bashface the Truncheon


      Act III, Stonefort, Waiting for Reinforcements Event, Dragus (Event/Quest spawn Demon Trooper, spawns during Quest Turning the Tide)


      Act III, Stonefort, Bricktop (Rare spawn Demon Trooper), Bounty: Kill Bricktop


      Act III, The Keep Depths Level 2, The Crusher (Rare spawn Demon Trooper), Bounty: Kill the Crusher


      Act III, Rakkis Crossing, Crazy Climber Event, Busaw (Event spawn Demon Trooper)


    • Where to farm: Adevnture Mode, Act III, Stonefort, Dragus (not far from the entrance)
    • Used for: Guardian’s Aversion, Wrists, 6 random magic properties

Guardian’s Case

      , Waist, 6 random magic properties

Guardian’s Gaze

      , Head, +10–12% Movement Speed, 5 random magic properties


  • Set Bonus Guardian’s Jeopardy: (2): +250 Vitality, Regenerates 2000 Life per Second, (3): +15% Movement Speed

 Torn Soul

      • Acquired from: Act I, Southern Highlands, Lorzak the Powerful (Rare spawn Khazra Shaman), Bounty: Kill Lorzak the Powerful

Act I, Southern Highlands, Skehlinrath (Rare spawn Khazra Shaman)


      Act I, Southern Highlands, Chupa Khazra (Rare spawn Khazra Shaman)


  • Where to farm: Act I, Southern Highlands
  • Used for: Living Umbral Oath, Ceremonial Knife, +(981–1199)–(1175–1490) Damage, 5 random magic properties

 Urn of Quickening

      • Acquired from: Act II, Desolate Sands, Raiha the Vicious (Rare spawn Lacuni Huntress), Bounty: Kill Raiha

Act II, Stinging Winds, Erach (Rare spawn Lacuni Huntress)


      Act II, Howling Plateau, Saha the Slasher (Rare spawn Lacuni Huntress), Bounty: Kill Saha the Slasher


      Act II, Howling Plateau, Taros the Wild (Rare spawn Lacuni Huntress), Bounty: Kill Taros the Wild


      Act III, Caverns of Frost Level 2, Chiltara (Rare spawn Lacuni Huntress)


      Act III, Caverns of Frost Level 2, Scathach the Savage (Rare spawn Lacuni Huntress)


      Act III, Icefall Caves and Caverns of Frost, Zelusa the Grasping (Rare spawn Lacuni Huntress)


      Act V, Heart of the Fortrtess, Malthael (Maybe unintentional and being removed soon)


  • Where to farm: Act III, Caves in Fields of Slaughter
  • Used for: Kethryes’ Splint, Wrists, 6 random magic properties

 White Oak Splinter

  • Acquired from: Act I, Fields of Misery, Secluded Grove, The Old Man (Rare spawn Wood Wraith)
  • Where to farm: Act I, Fields of Misery, Secluded Grove
  • Used for: Rozpedin’s Force, Daibo, (1741–2003)–(2456–2834) Damage, 5 random magic properties

 Wooden Stake

      • Acquired from: Act I, Cathedral Level 4, Killian Damort (Rare spawn Skeletal Archer), Bounty: Kill Killian Damort

ACt III, The Keep Depths Level 3, Belagg Pierceflesh (Rare spawn Skeletal Archer)


  • Where to farm: Act I, Cathedral Level 4
  • Used for: Blitzbolter, Hand Crossbow, +(858–1049)–(1028–1304) Holy Damage, 5 random magic properties

 Woven Plate

      • Acquired from: Act I, Cathedral Level 4, Captain Cage (Rare spawn Skeletal Shieldbearer), Bounty: Kill Captain Cage

Act I, Festering Woods, The Last Stand of the Ancients Event, Enmerkar (Event spawn Skeletal Shieldbearer), Bounty: Last STand of the Ancients


      Act III, The Keep Depths Level 1, Captain Donn Adams (Rare spawn Skeletal Shieldbearer), Bounty: Kill Captain Donn Adams


      Act III, The Keep Depths Level 1, Captain Dale (Rare spawn Skeletal Shieldbearer), Bounty: Kill Captain Dale


  • Where to farm: Act I, Festering Woods, The Last Stand of the Ancients Event
  • Used for: Piro Marella, Crusader Shield, Reduces the Wrath cost of Shield Bash by 40–50%, 5 random magic properties

A lista módosításához hozzájárultak:

Doctor Vader