Kezdőlap Hírek Félreérettük Bobby Kotick-ot?

Félreérettük Bobby Kotick-ot?


Bobby Kotick, az Activision egyik vezető személyiségéről az alábbi pletyka kering a médiában és a rajongók körében, “Beleszól a Blizzard dolgába mit hogy csináljon, úgy hogy az Activisionnek legyen kedvezőbb, szándékosan lassítva a munkájukat”. A Blizzard nagykutyái Frank Pearce és Mike Morhaime az MCVUK-nak adott interjújában cáfolta az efféle összeesküvés-elméleteket, miszerint Bobby Kotick teljes mértékben támogatja a Blizzard tevékenységét, és nagyon rendes korrekt ember, csak a média és a rajongók festenek róla rossz képet.

MCV: Has life changed, post-Activision merger? Activision said they’d bought Blizzard because they liked how you operated and they’d leave you alone – and it turned out that this wasn’t BS.

Frank Pearce: Don’t say Activision bought Blizzard – now you’ve got Mike riled…
Mike Morhaime: Our parent company Vivendi bought Activision.

MCV: Well, after whatever happened happened, what’s life been like?

Mike Morhaime: We wouldn’t have supported the merger had we not believed Bobby and Activision understood how special Blizzard is and weren’t supportive of our values. We were convinced that they did, that the two businesses were complementary and that we wouldn’t be giving up our creative autonomy in any way. And that’s exactly how it has panned out.

MCV: How do you feel when Bobby takes flak for not being sympathetic or empathetic to the creative elements of this industry?

Mike Morhaime: I have an advantage there because I know Bobby personally and we have very long, in-depth conversations, so my view of him is not limited to small sound bites taken out of context. I can tell you that Bobby has been very supportive of Blizzard and that we have a great relationship with him. I don’t think the public image that some people have of him is fair or accurate.
