Kezdőlap Hírek Mégis visszatér a Spell Damage bonus stat, pajzsot is hordhatnak a Wizardok...

Mégis visszatér a Spell Damage bonus stat, pajzsot is hordhatnak a Wizardok és Witch Doctorok az Off-Hand fegyverek mellé


A korábbi információkkal ellentétben, a spellcasterek (Wizard és Witch Doctor) számára ismét elérhető lesz a + spell damage affix az off-hand tárgyakon, ezenkívül még ezek mellé pajzsot is hordhatnak. A döntésre azért volt szükség, mert szeretnék, ha az egykezes fegyver+offhand sebzése ne térjen el túlzott mértékben a kétkezes fegyverhasználattól, így ne kelljen egyik vagy másik mellett dönteni, ha az optimális fegyver+skill összeállítást keressük karakterünknek.


First, straight up. all things being equal, 2-handers do more damage than 1-handers. This is pretty obvious, but I want to confirm and validate this. The reason it’s important to call this out is that all the calculations assume “for any 2 items of the same DPS”. But that’s not a great starting point, because for any two comparable items at any given level, 2-handers do at least 15% more damage than 1-handers, and in many cases 20-25% more.
…However, what you choose to put in your off-hand, should you choose to wield one, matters.

First, no matter WHAT you use, you are getting a bunch of extra stats. In addition to DPS from Attack and Precision, you’re getting whatever other item stats are on your offhand. So you’re trading off a theoretical Arcane power efficiency boost for the stats of an offhand.

Furthermore, if you use a shield, you’re getting a big armor boost. If you haven’t played Diablo in a while, people easily forget, but a lot of Sorceress players used a shield in Diablo II. For some players there is a “fantasy” of “I don’t need a shield ’cause I don’t plan on getting hit”. The reality is that we don’t let you get away with that in Diablo. You get hit. We don’t have heal, tank and DPS roles in Diablo, so everybody in Diablo eventually takes damage.

Additionally, if you choose to use an orb, every wizard Orb (and witchdoctor Mojo) comes with +dmg on it. So if your mainhand does 8-10 damage at 1.4 speed, and your orb adds 3-4 damage, then that means you’re doing 11-14 damage at 1.4 speed. In many cases the orb + the stats on the orb completely closes the 15-25% DPS gap between 2-handers and 1-handers.
