Kezdőlap Hírek Hamarosan változások várhatóak az Inferno nehézségi fokán

Hamarosan változások várhatóak az Inferno nehézségi fokán


Hamarosan változások várhatóak az Inferno nehézségi fokon, ugyanis nehezebbre lőtték be a fejlesztők, mint tervezték, így jelenleg a játékosok túlnyomó része inkább kínszenvedésnek éli meg, mintsem kihívásnak, ami nagyban ront a játékélményen. Konkrét információk később várhatóak ezügyben.


We purposely launched the game with Inferno being far more difficult than what we were able to progress in ourselves, assuming people would find it as difficult but with a few skilled players able to pull it off, or the difficulty would simply help root out problem skills and builds that allowed flaw-filled progression possibilities.

I think the main problem we’re running into is people progress more or less linearly to Inferno, and the brick wall effect makes it seem like these broken skills were the correct way to overcome the difficulty because the belief is that Inferno must be an immediately surmountable challenge, which it isn’t intended to be. Or the reverse, that because these skills allowed progression the classes that did not have them were too weak/broken, which isn’t correct.

We’ll provide a bit more info/context on Inferno tuning through an article we’re working on for the front page.

