Kezdőlap Hírek Kékek



Kezdjük egy kis retróval, Diablo II ladder reset volt a mai napon, azaz november 6.-án. A szabályok követik az eddigi ladder resetnél ismert szabályokat. További infót a ladder resetről a battle.neten, vagy az Arreat Summit-on találtok.

[Quote]It’s that time again! On the morning of Tuesday, November 6, we’ll be conducting maintenance in order to reset the Diablo II ladder. We anticipate the realms could be down for up to six hours, and during that time all existing ladder characters will be converted to non-ladder. All characters and items being converted to non-ladder will remain intact, but once converted these characters will no longer have access to ladder content such as creating ladder-only rune words.

This ladder reset, like all those before it, creates a clean slate where all ladder characters begin at level 1 with no previous items to help them. To participate, simply wait until the Diablo II realms return to service on November 6, log in to, and tick the “Ladder Character” checkbox when creating a new character. You can track ladder character leveling progress by clicking on the Ladder button from the main Diablo II in-game interface.

For more information on ladder characters please visit the Arreat Summit at http://classic.battl…ctertypes.shtml[/Quote]

A játékosok jelentős része a jelenlegi banner rendszert, a Diablo II-ben megismert Town Portal kiskapujaként használja. A fejlesztők szeretnének erre valami későbbi megoldást találni, mert szerintük is eléggé unalmas most ez a funkció a játékban, ezért a Blizzard nyitott minden olyan ötletre, amivel érdekesebbé lehetne tenni a jelenlegi banner rendszert.

[Quote]As some players have pointed out, allowing characters to revive at their banner’s location does create some complications and could lead to certain kinds of gameplay that we’d prefer to avoid in Diablo III (this is actually why we don’t allow players use Town Portals in the same way that you could in Diablo II). We definitely appreciate the feedback, though, and will continue to consider how we might be able to accommodate this suggestion — or at least something similar — in the future.

That said, we completely agree that banners in their current form are pretty boring and we’d love to make them more useful. If you have other ideas for banner uses, please share them![/Quote]

Magda sound bugja majd csak a következő kliens oldali patch-el lesz javítva, sajnos ezt nem lehet a szerverről megoldani.

[Quote]Maghda Sound Bug
Unfortunately, the fix for this will require a client change, which means it needs a patch.[/Quote]

A végére pedig, újabb oktatóvideót rakott össze a Blizzard, a mostani a Parental controll beállítását mutatja be.

[youtube cu3WkkoI5EI 600 350]

Forrás:, YouTube, diablofans