Kezdőlap Hírek Átalakításon esik át a Friend invite rendszer

Átalakításon esik át a Friend invite rendszer


Átalakításon esik át a Friend invite rendszer, ugyanis, azokra a felhasználókra, akikre spam panasz érkezett a rendszeren keresztül, megvonják a barátok meghívásának lehetőségét, ezzel is remélve, hogy csökken a spammerek száma.


We’ve recently seen a number of posts from players regarding friend invitation spam and how it’s been affecting your online experience. We agree that it’s an issue and have not only been looking at ways to improve the Friend Invitation system, but also how to handle all the existing spam.

To that end, going forward any outgoing friend requests from players who are reported for spamming invitations will be proactively deleted. While players may still receive some friend invitation spam here and there, this change should result in an overall decrease in the number of fraudulent friend requests that reach your Social Window. If you happen to receive a friend invitation that’s spam, please continue to use the “Report Spam” option as normal so that our support staff can review the complaint.

