Kezdőlap Hírek Halálos Tristram bug javítva

Halálos Tristram bug javítva


Jó hír következik a Hardcore játékosoknak. Javítva lett a méltán híres halálos Tristram bug, most már a monsterek nem léphetnek be a keleti kapu felől sem, mert egy bizonyos helyen instant elhaláloznak.


Today a hotfix went live which makes it no longer possible for hostile monsters to enter New Tristram through its eastern gate (any monster that attempts to cross this threshold should now instantly die).
If you believe that certain players previously used this tactic against you in order to intentionally grief your character, please avoid calling them out by name on the forums and instead report them by submitting a ticket so that we can investigate their accounts and take the necessary actions.

Unfortunately, as stated in our Diablo III Restorations Policy, Customer Support cannot revive fallen hardcore heroes for any reason and hardcore heroes cannot be rolled back. As such, your hero’s valorous deeds will simply have to be remembered, like so many other fallen Nephalem.

