Bashiok bluepost…
MMO's are generally categorized as being able to support hundreds of thousands of simultaneous players in a persistent world.While can certainly support that many players at one time, the lack of a persistent world and restrictions on how many players can be within each “world” (game) would keep Diablo III from being categorized as an MMO.
One of the larger things to think about when balancing game sizes is that with mechanics that encourage players to stick together, only so many players can be doing these huge over-the-top type abilities without it turning into a visual mess.
We'll settle on a group size that allows for the most amount of players while still keeping the games fun, and sane.
A fenti szövegből kiderül, hogy szeretnék megvédeni a D3-at attól, hogy az MMORPG-k közé sorolják, viszont azt is el szeretnék érni, hogy a partyk mérete nagy legyen.