Kezdőlap Egyéb Kevesebb skill és Skill Tree-s póló

Kevesebb skill és Skill Tree-s póló

Bashiok a napokban az április óta tapasztalható folyamattal, vagyis Skillek számának csökkenésével kapcsolatban nyilatkozott. Azért lett kevesebb a képességek száma, mert inkább legyen hasznos az a kevés, mint sok haszontalan, amire az ég egy adta világon egy pontot se költene az ember, legyen az passzív vagy aktív Skill.

Bashiok bluepost…
It kind of seems like a ton of different options would be good, I know, but more options doesn’t actually mean more customization. Sometimes it can mean less. We want to make each skill, passive or active, as sexy as possible. Doing that means making each one useful and desirable in their own way. They don’t overlap, their use and appeal is specific and easily understood. Maybe not to every player all the time, there still need to be specific appeals to what a player wants their character to play like, but a bunch of filler would only create an illusion of options. What would happen is there would be a few paths to take that avoided the skills that just aren’t that great, and so essentially all that filler might as well not exist. These are Diablo skill trees, every skill you use comes from spending points, we don’t want to weigh the whole thing down with a bunch of passives. There is such a thing as complexity through simplicity and I think that’s something we strive for in all areas of the game.

Bashiok volt olyan kedves és ki tudja milyen apropóból feltöltött egy rúnás-skilltre-s póló képet,íme:



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