Kezdőlap Egyéb Nem lesz 4. nehézségi fok

Nem lesz 4. nehézségi fok

Egy rajongó kérdezte a hivatalos fórumokon, hogy halott olyan pletykákat, miszerint 4 nehézségi fok lesz a játékban.Bashiok ismét nem volt rest válaszolni, és leszögezte, hogy a Diablo 3-ra nem úgy kell tekinteni, mint a Diablo 2 kiegészítőjére, ez egy teljesen új játék lesz más alapokkal. Egyelőre a játék alapjaival, a különböző szörnyekkel, terepekkel, tárgyakkal stb. foglalkoznak és nem az end-game tartalommal. Vannak különböző ötleteik az end-game tartalom fellendítésére, hasonlóan, mint a Diablo 2-ben pl. az Über Tristram Quest, azonban egyelőre erről nem kívánnak nyilatkozni. A játék továbbra is három, azaz 3 nehézségi fokot fog tartalmazni, Normal, Nightmare és Hell nehézségi fokok lesznek a Diablo 3-ban.

Bashiok bluepost…
I'm sorry for putting the idea down outright, but it's not a very sexy solution to make the end game more interesting or exciting. Sort of just draws it out, or maybe resolves some pacing issues that existed in Diablo II, which was a different game.

I've said this a lot but try not to think of Diablo III as an extension of Diablo II. Things like experience curves are not a constant that we have to take from Diablo II, implement directly into Diablo III, and then be really upset about it and have to try to solve the problems they give us. This is a new game being built from the ground up, problems aren't inherited from the previous games. We can do whatever we want.

Anyway, we have many ideas, there have been many good ideas discussed out there on how to solve some of the end game issues. Some of them are pretty much spot-on for ideas we'll likely go ahead with. Most of that design and work on end-game hasn't started yet though. We're still working primarily on building out the core game experience (act-to-act world and dungeons and monsters). Just the basic play through on Normal. Which is coming along quite well still, I might add.

Bashiok bluepost…
I was in a meeting with Jay and Wyatt earlier (about something completely different), and Wyatt expressed specifically that giving players some sort of end-game that doesn't involve grinding areas or bosses is something that keeps him up at night. It's a real problem, and it needs a real solution. It's also very much in the minds of our designers and something we will try to remedy as long as we need to.

All that said, long-term end game concerns are I know a top priority of you regulars here and on our fansites, but there's so much good stuff in the game that I really hope these WHAT IF scenarios don't take away from the wow-factor of just enjoying what we have to share with you.
