Kezdőlap Hírek Ne legyünk borúlátóak a Blizzconnal kapcsolatban

Ne legyünk borúlátóak a Blizzconnal kapcsolatban


Ne legyünk borúlátóak az idei Blizzconnal kapcsolatban, mert a panelek száma nem befolyásolja az információ mennyiségét és minőségét – üzente Bashiok a hivatalos fórumokon.Szóval fel a fejjel, jó lesz ez a Blizzcon a Diablo 3-s hírek szempontjából.

It’s the same number as last year. Two ‘info’ panels and one open Q&A.

I really don’t see how this could be interpreted as any indication of… anything, at all. We have specific things to talk about. It’s a weird stretch to come to a conclusion that we must not be able to talk about anything meaningful unless there are 3+ hours of stage time dedicated to talking about the game.

So anyway, yes, there are two panels – – and in-between those panels and for 14 hours a day, both days the developers are in back-to-back interviews with news and press outlets. There will be plenty of info streaming out about the game all over the place even if you don’t think that two panels is enough to do so.

Well, what can I say. World of Warcraft is huge. You can’t really compare anything to it, the vast majority of people that go to BlizzCon are hardcore WoW players. We’d be silly to not cater the events and time spent on them to the people paying to attend and their primary interests.

StarCraft II, yeah, they have a lot of panels this year. Last year they had three. They just shipped a game and I think have the time to devote to creating more of them.

Again, the number of panels has nothing to do with the amount or quality of info released.
