Kezdőlap Hírek Nagy változások az alaptulajdonságok terén

Nagy változások az alaptulajdonságok terén


A Blizzard elégedetlen volt az eddigi statokkal (alaptulajdonságok), így lecserélte őket és megváltoztatta működésüket.Az új Statoknak nem lesz másodlagos hatásuk.Nézzük miből mi lett:

  • Strengthből és Willpowerből (ez utóbbi stat maradt csak a működése változott meg) lett Attack, mely univerzálisan minden karakternek megnöveli a sebzését, nemcsak a fizikai támadásokét, ahogy a Strength-nél volt, hanem a Willpowertől átvette a mágikus sebzések növelését is.
  • Dexterity helyett lett Precision, amely a Critical Strike esélyét (egy adott Skillel 1.5-szeres, vagy nagyobbat sebezz) növeli.
  • Vitality, a HP-t, vagyis az életerőt növeli.
  • Defense: Bármilyen beérkező sebzés értékét (legyen az fizikai vagy mágikus) csökkenti.
  • Willpower, minden classnak máshogy hat, de lényegében a resource systemre hat, pl. lassabban csökkenjen, gyorsabban nőjön stb.

Attack: Increases damage
– This stat will be a universal damage increasing stat for all classes to prevent confusion about what you should increase to do more damage.
– We realize that ‘Attack’ is less flavorful than ‘Strength’ and ‘Willpower’, but we feel the pros of understanding clearly how to build your character outweigh that con.
– This stat has no secondary effects.

Precision: Increases crit chance
– This will be tuned to be comparable in power to Attack increases for the most part.
– So why have Precision? Mainly so we can play into it with affixes, runes, and traits. Linking effects to crits gives us another hook for designing skills and gives the player options to create ‘crit builds’ that play different than normal attack builds. Examples of the kind of crit effects we ‘could’ do (not saying we are, these are examples):
– – Cleave crits cause monsters to explode and do damage to those around them.
– – Lifesteal could be an ‘on crit only’ affix.
– This is a more finesse stat, and we’re fine with that. Most people will want Attack by default, but they won’t mind getting precision.
– This stat has no secondary effect.

Vitality: Increases health
– And it’s staying that way!
– This stat has no secondary effect (seeing the pattern here?).

Defense: Decreases all damage taken
– This stat is separate from armor and resistances, each of which effects different damage types. This stat effects ‘all’ damage.
– This stat will allow players to control incoming damage rather than increasing health capacity, which is useful to reduce the need for health globes and pots, and allows players to double down on defense for survival focused builds.
– This stat is also useful for PVP, and likely will be valued in the arenas, but isn’t tuned to be a ‘PVP’ only stat.
– This stat has no secondary effects.

Willpower: Affects resource in class-specific ways
– The effects of this stat will change from class to class. It will be our goal to make it roughly equivalently valuable across classes and versus other attributes.
– Basically this stat will give you more access to whatever restricts your resource by default: capacity, regen rate, degeneration rate, generation rate, etc.

This will change and affect several item affixes, but specifically we’ll be making the following changes to address issues with casters under-valuing gear (more below in Q&A), and to clear out attributes that are going away:
– Removing +spell damage affixes
– Adding Bonus % damage for wizard skills (wizard only)
– Adding Bonus % damage for witch doctor skills (witch doctor only)
– Removing Strength
– Removing Dexterity
