Kezdőlap Béta Bashiok Twitteresztése

Bashiok Twitteresztése


Következzék Bashiokkal való egy órán át tartó Twitteres csevegés gyümölcse, amiből megtudhatjuk:

  • Hamarosan hírt adnak az átdolgozott rúnákról.
  • A Diablo 3-at offline módon nem lesz lehetőségünk játszani.
  • A néhány héttel ezelőtt történt drasztikusabb változtatásokat annak érdekében tették, hogy jobbá tegyék a játékot.
  • Az előrendeléssel nem lehet semmilyen bónuszhoz jutni.
  • Még mindig nincs pontos hír arról, hogy milyen guild/klán közösségépítő lehetőségek lesznek a játékban.
  • Úgy néz ki, hogy a rúnaköveket és gemeket a bétában nem lesz lehetőségünk tesztelni.
  • Maximum játékosok száma egy játékon belül: 4.
  • Ahhoz, hogy co-op módban kapd az xp-t és a dropba téged is kalkuláljon a játék, kb másfél képernyőn belül kell lenned a többi játékossal.
  • A következő patchben a classokat balancolni próbálják.
  • Nem valószínű, hogy lesz beépített voice chat opció a játékban.
  • A bétában végig lvl 13 marad a szint limit, új kontent maximum tárgyak, skillek és class változtatások terén jöhet szóba.

@witwix Is there going to be as much incentive to sit around and MF for 14 hours at a time? Or is the end game plan more WoWesque?
It will be similar to D2, but emphasis is off boss runs and on exploring the world.

@IamBGriffs Any word when news about runes will be released?
We’re planning that out. Its in and working. Not too much longer.

@Gargleroxlol Yes, why did all of the good classes from D2 not make it to D3?
We didn’t want to make Diablo 2.5. We want to do new stuff! They’re fun classes, give me a chance

@QuriousAlonsus thats a bummer wanted to ask when the EU beta keys were coming :). But a real question, can you play Diablo 3 offline?

@OMGTASO why isnt it out yet? 😛 (seriously!)
Still working on it!

@mahoumelonball Honest question, why did you guys change so much of the game a few weeks ago? Why did Blizz find it necessary?
Hopefully the blog and subsequent forum posts explained why? Bottom line is because we believe they’ll make a better game.

@TwoSp0ons Any update on the runes rework?

@darth_caesar Is there any bonus to pre-release bonus to pre-ordering the CE?
I’m not aware of any pre-order bonuses… We usually don’t do those.

@Strider_3029 are you an achievement mob in game? How well are the recent major game changes playing out?
Bashiok is a named champion, yes. Prepare your steel and sorcery!’

@DaniRGon ¿Is true that your first champion is a barbarian and his name is Chuk Norris? Thanks 4 all BRO!
Wrong! Female barb named Snusnu.

@iM_Bennotronica What % will you guys take from real money action house?
That’s a good question, I actually don’t know. % is only on cash out though, or commodity/stackable item sales.

@ReXimus128 Why did you guys remove scrolls of identification? Simplicity sake? Also, why can you change skills anywhere now?
We didn’t really feel like they added anything, except to take away inventory space.

@Varastus21 I have a question about friends and chat in D3. Is it possible to add someone to a friends list? Also, is there a global chat?
Yes there’s multiple different types of friends lists. Global chat like you want to spam all your friends? 🙂 no.

@Millerjoeblue any plans for any guild/clan features?
We’d love to offer some kind of support for social groups, but it’s on a wish list at the moment.

@Sarfazar Similar to WoW and SC2 will Diablo III have real ID compatibility. (Can i chat from WoW witha friend on Diablo III.) If not when!
You can!

@koitenbatsu What is your personal favorite class in D3?
I have no idea any more… Right now I’m seriously considering leading with a witch doctor.

@ZeroO_c is the + attack on weps/gear a bug or is it in the poll of random affixes
Sounds like a bug…

@Chiefey68 will xpacs increase level caps or just new content/items? Thanks for the outreach!
We’re still just working on the game, but our philosophy is that levels should match the content. If that answers your question.

@Efren1776 any idea when more beta invites will go out?
We don’t really plan it out like that, it’s more a symptom of seeing how many people are playing and seeing if need more.

@andrespdr Any plans for contests for beta keys for people outside the states? (Latinamerica)
Yup, but I’ll let them tell you about it. 🙂

@OldIronBlood will we be seeing any runestones or gems in beta?
Extremely unlikely. The point of the beta is to test the service, patcher, launcher, and hardware compatibility.

@hashstep In the game guide some weapons have a range of values for min and max dmg (2-3)-(4-5) dmg for ex. Can the values be non-integers?
Nah, whole numbers is sexier.

@CaptRaven could you elaborate a bit mor on why exactly blizzard thinks that a general open chat channel like inn D2 or SC1 is a bad idea?
The good is minuscule compared to the bad, and we have to actually support these things…

@jeremysnow2 My wife wants to know how much sleep everyone at Blizzard is averaging trying to get this game out to demanding people like me…
Hah! It’s a lot of long hours and weekend work days, and has been for a while… but we have fun. 🙂

@ACLDox Can I have your autograph?
Sure. -bashiok

@Regardless_ Kidding aside, thanks for everything! Could you tell us how the legendary weapons are coming along and if they will be in the beta?
Quite well. I don’t think we drop any more until later in Act 1. Probably not.

@Efren1776 as somone who hasn’t played the first 2 will it be easy to understand the story of this one?
No matter what it’s going to be a fun story. If you’ve played the others you’ll get something extra, if not, you’ll seek it out.

@eclittlejohn Does the current list of items on the D3 website give all the items we can expect to see on release? Are there going to be more?
No, no, no, the website has very few items. We’ll update it when we get close to release.

@Sarfazar How close to the date of release should we expect the Diablo III, beta to run?
That’s a good question. I don’t think we exactly know. Pretty close.

@lReesesCupl Do you guys plan to have expansion for Diablo 3 still? if so would it be a class/content or just conten. Ect.
We think it makes sense, but we’re focusing on releasing the game first. 🙂

@pliers1 Is there going to be a pre-release download, so people can start playing as soon as servers go up? Including ppl on annual pass
We plan to have a digital download people can grab so they’re ready to go right at midnight.

@digitahlemotion Aside from being able to slow down to enjoy the lore, are there any drawbacks (in regards to the story) to playing solo vs co-op?
We hope not, we’ve worked really hard to try to ensure co-op is nothing but bonuses and awesomeness.

@Procrastajason is the retail release of the game the entirety of the content we’ll see for a while or will there be content patches ala WoW?
Well, WoW is a subscription game. We’ll have patches. New items, probably. New zones or bosses? Probably not.

@SamuEllmer Will there be official midnight launch events globally? (and if so, could you make it to London’s?)
We tend to have midnight launch events, no announcements until we know when the game will launch. 🙂

@Ryallcowling do I need to pay any tax on my monthly paypal earnings from the sale of in game items? Any other options than paypal?
I believe that’s between you and the IRS? PayPal is what we’re focusing on for NA and some other regions.

@hashstep ie 2.3 – 4.5 dmg even though in game it shows a rounded value? Getting strange values for what dps should be compared to displayed.
Very possible, but it’s not going to matter for long. You won’t be doing single or even double digit damage for long.

@Wasted_Panda will the colorblind mode be implemented during beta?
Do we need one? Would appreciate feedback in a forum thread if there’s specific issues.

@MrPaNtsONhEaD I like the changes to skillswap with cooldown BUT why is there a cooldown when you are in town?
It’s a rough first implementation. It was wrangled in very shortly before the patch went out.

@leftupseven in a party, if people are skipping loot barrels and side rooms, do you lose xp for staying back and exploring?
You need to be within range (screen and a half or so) to be counted for drops or experience.

@EldacarJS Is there going to be a monster in the game named Bashiok? Also will Rakanishu and Bishbosh be returning?
Yes. Well… I don’t know. Those guys are dead…

@verylemonade Why the massive disparities in starting armor for some of the classes for male/female? EX: Sorcerer/ess
Likely one was revised and the other wasn’t. (bug) A bug report or other written feedback would help.

@Br0ckHamill with pets been taken out of the game is there any plans of the use of the models or will they just return to wild life in game?
I believe they’ll be freeze-dried until later.

@EmperorDoomwolf Is it possible you can make the CE wings dyeable? I know they’re an inventory item. It would just be cool!!!
No, they’re the single amazingly cool color they already are. 🙂

@Kennigit How many times have you played through the campaign?
From start to finish with one character? :X never…

@andrew_sheldonn what’s the most OP class to roll?
Hopefully they all feel OP. 🙂 Balance!

@LadyFoxette Do you recommend I go back and play the first two games (+expansion), or does Diablo 3′s story stand well enough on its own?
I think you can find some good story recaps (if anyone has link pls share) that it’d be pretty easy to catch yourself up.
@Darkcoro Is a melee Wizard still viable with the new stat system etc? Was very interested to try that ^_^

@dethbox Max players per game. 4 or 8?

@arkeus Is it possible we will see a return of the Amulet feature in an expansion?
Anything is possible. That kind of secondary item-based stat augmentation is real cool though. Perfect for later on.

@SnailCraft How big is the game in comparison to D2?
I dont know. Around the same I suspect.

@Regardless_ Do you get to influence the game design at all outside of being the CM? If so, what did you help with?
I complain all the time but I’m usually wrong. 🙂 All the good stuff comes from the community.

@Sn0wcatcher Can paypal unsupported countries use the rmah ? Is blizzard usiing any other web-based payment besides paypal ?
I believe we’ll be providing more info about regional options once they’re ready. To be honest I don’t know specifics.

@chadwingerd If Diablo got a puppy, what breed would it be?
hellhound? There’s some lame Popsicle stick joke there somewhere, but I can’t find it.

@mikesacco forum feedback still says DH feels less powerful than other classes; perception or real thing? any plans?
Overall we agree. Next patch (?) there will be a number of class changes.

@Sarfazar Is it possible to post gold/real money on the auction house to be bought with real money/gold respectively
You can put up gold to be bought with currency, yes.

@jaredgaut any word on a new Blizzcast?
The delay kinda threw us off. We’ll get back on track…

@digitahlemotion Are the Pre-Orders for Diablo 3 CE by Walmart, Gamestop, etc legit?
I would assume so. I’m not sure how those work, I’d guess they have to work off a unit estimate?

@AlexVanDijkNews Any ETA on news about the EU beta? Will the EU beta be the final phase/part of testing? #diablo3
Not yet. No.

@LordofAscension What character have you spent the most time playing and in which difficulty have you/do you play the most?
Barbarian the most for sure, and Normal the most by far.

@jeremysnow2 if Diablo, Mephisto and Baal were in a room… and their was 3 Apples… how many would each get?
Diablo would get all three. One for each mouth.

@kultbot did you ever seriously discuss about broadcasting a super bowl commercial?
I doubt it.

@IamBGriffs Any word when news about runes will be released?
We’re planning that out. Its in and working. Not too much longer.

@Bargo_Gosu Does this include the skill system?
Skill and rune systems are intrinsically linked.

@hanwei86 How much earlier will people get to pre-order/pre-load the game direct from the Blizzard site to release?
I’m not sure, Cataclysm seemed to go well. Probably something like that.

@SamuEllmer Pre-order CE online when it becomes available in the UK, or wait for midnight launch?
If you want a CE I think you better have pre-ordered back when we announced it.

@HCXAnth hardcore requires a softcore play through correct?

@danielwhitcomb Do you ever see the D3 team abandoning the PvE balance always trumps PvP balance Philosophy? (I hope the answer is no)
I don’t know. Hard to speak in absolutes.

@MrPaNtsONhEaD Will the dyecolor stay on a item when we sell them on RMAH or GAH and if so will ther be any indicator that its dyed with a color
Good question. I believe it stays, I don’t believe it’s indicated.

@Bargo_Gosu Will we see the new skill system in Beta, or will it likely not appear till release?
It will appear in beta.

@EmperorDoomwolf The current chat sound is annoying/out of place, Can you guys bring back D2 “chk!” Sound instead of the “DING!”?
I can ask.

@griftaru How exactly does the Archon ability change the spells the Wizard cast?
You’re given a specific set of new skills you can only use while in Archon.

@Muse13 Do you have plans on later expanding the 4 player cap? 4 seems low. I mean, there ARE 5 classes…
No plans.

@D3wizard do you guys make jokes about “soon” internally as much as the community does or is it a taboo topic at blizzard.
It’s not taboo, but kind of old so not really funny either. 🙂

@Bargo_Gosu Can we expect another front page “post” (Like the Jay Wilson one) regarding the rest of the changes?
I would.

@Distinguished86 Will there be higher texture and / or graphics settings closer to release? For example, Starcraft 2 has an ultra mode.
No what we have is what we have. We could add an Ultra setting if you’d like, but it wouldn’t be any different. 🙂

@god7399 As a beta member, is there any other content we will be testing, runes/jeweler etc?
Negatory. There will be some skill and class changes, items, but you’ll be level 13 until the game releases. 🙂

@HCXAnth love the halls of the dead feature. Screenshots soon?
That was a wish list feature we mentioned at BlizzCon right? Don’t know if it’ll make it. It’s on the list.

@guyver009 Is there a voice chat feature built into D3, or are outside sources required?
There is no built in voice chat, at least not for ship. If we try voice chat in another game we want to make sure its worth using

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