Kezdőlap Hírek Bashiok a Boss Enrageről

Bashiok a Boss Enrageről


Bashiok a Bossok Enrage-ről tartott rövidebb beszámolót a hivatalos fórumokon, a cél az, hogy minél nehezebbek legyenek a harcok. Példának felhozta a Skeleton Kinget, melyet, ha 4 percen belül nem ölünk meg, háromszor annyi csontvázat idéz, mint korábban, ezzel is elejét véve az hosszabb idejű kite-olásoknak (folyamatos húzogatás).

I know what some boss enrage timers are, but to save spoilers I’ll transpose it onto the Skeleton King. So, as an imaginary example, in Inferno if you don’t kill the Skeleton King within four minutes he starts spawning three times the amount of skeletons. That creates a much tougher situation, but it’s one you could very well handle if played right.

People kiting the Skeleton King around for an hour with their level 3 characters is fun to see. It’s not fun when it’s level 60′s at end game and item drops matter. To make these kills and thus a character’s progression matter we need to try to fight cheesy tactics that allow people to just flop through the game.

