Kezdőlap Hírek Diablo III Patch 1.0.2

Diablo III Patch 1.0.2


Holnap érkezik 1.0.2-es patch ezért 11-ig nem lesz elérhető a szerver. Tovább után pedig a patchnotes.

 Diablo III Patch 1.0.2 – v.



Active Skills

  • Serenity
    • Skill Rune – Tranquility
    • Duration of immunity granted to nearby allies from crowd control effects reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second

Bug Fixes
For a full list of documented game and service bugs, please review the Known Issues sticky located in theBug Report forum.


  • Players should no longer receive an “Error 14009″ when logging in
  • The “Select a Hero” menu will now also display the difficulty level for each character
  • Several speed improvements have been made to the streaming downloader


  • All players in a party should now receive “Till Death Do Us Part” even if they don’t have Haedrig Eamon as their active follower

Act IV

  • Witch Doctors should no longer receive an error if they kill a Shadow Clone with a Damage-Over-Time (DoT) skill after it’s launched a Firebomb but before it’s reached its target

Auction House

  • The auction log in the Completed tab will now display a player’s activity (bids, buyouts, sales, etc) in the proper order
  • When placing a new bid over a previous bid on the same auction, players will now be provided with the correct warning message: “Raising your maximum bid on an Auction you are already winning raises your current bid to just above your previous maximum bid. Are you sure you want to continue?”
  • Players will now receive an error message if they attempt to purchase an item after the 50 item limit has been reached in the Completed tab
  • The “Physical Damage” Preferred Stats option for rings has been renamed to “Bonus Minimum Physical Damage”
  • The “All Damage” Preferred Stats option for weapons and armor has been removed and replaced with bonuses of specific damage types
  • Items which have been purchased from a vendor and equipped by the player can now be sold on the Auction House
  • Listing items on the Auction House from a different character than the one currently selected should no longer cause item display issues

  • The public chat list will now sort alphabetically

Witch Doctor

  • Spirit Vessel (Passive) no longer clears debuffs when using waypoints or changing equipment
