Úgy látszik elfogyott a Blizzardnál a türelmi idő, amivel tolerálták a csalókat és a közeljövőben lefog sújtani a Banhammer mindazokra, akiket ilyenen érnek.
Mindez érinti a csalásokat, az exploitok használatát, a botozást, a kliens hackelését és bárminemű módosítását a játéknak, ebbe beletartozik a külső programok használata is. Akit ilyenen érnek, azoknak az accountját felfüggesztik, vagy véglegesen ki is tilthatják.
Blizzard Entertainment has always taken cheating in any form in Blizzard games very seriously, and that’s no different for Diablo® III. If a Diablo III player is found to be cheating or using hacks, bots, or modifications in any form, then as outlined in the Diablo III end user license agreement, that player can be permanently banned from the game. This means that the player will be permanently unable to log in to Battle.net® to play Diablo III with his or her account.
Playing Diablo III legitimately means playing with an unaltered game client. Doing otherwise violates our policies for Battle.net and Diablo III, and it goes against the spirit of fair play that all of our games are based on. We strongly recommend that you avoid using any hacks, cheats, bots, or exploits. Suspensions and bans of players that have used or start using cheats and hacks will begin in the near future.
Úgy fest elkezdődött, Zarhym nemrég nyilatkozott, hogy több ezer accountot bannoltak, vagy időlegesen felfüggesztettek és tovább folytatják a vizsgálatot az esetleges csalók ellen.
We recently issued a round of account suspensions and bans to several thousand Diablo® III players who were in violation of the Battle.net® Terms of Use for cheating and/or using botting or hacking programs while playing. In addition to undermining the spirit of fair play that’s essential to everyone’s enjoyment of the game, botting, hacking, and other such exploitive behavior can contribute to stability and performance issues with the Battle.net service. As always, maintaining a stable, safe, and fun online-gaming experience for legitimate players is a top priority for us, and we’ll be continuing to keep watch on Battle.net and take action as needed.
Forrás: battle.net, d3sanc blue tracker