Nektek is megfordult a fejetekben, hogy milyen lenne az ünnepek alatt New Tristram karácsonyi köntösben? Ha igen, akkor csak a képzeletetekkel játszhattok ilyen formán, ugyanis semmilyen ünnepi event-szerűség nem lesz a Diablo játék világában. Egyesek sajnálják, mások örülnek neki, hiszem így megőrizhető a játék világa és nem csap át WoW-szerű mulatságokba.
There are no plans to add holiday-themed events to the game, at least not at this point in time.
D3 is not wow.
arpg versus mmorpg…
Very true, we have even stated this before ourselves, but that doesn’t mean that there can’t be any similarities between the games though… if they make sense that is 😉and how would you organize a xmas event in diablo? put a xmas tree in new tristram? kill diablo on xmas eve and get a free santa hat? come on vaneras, the game needs improvement, you know this as well as i do. not some stupid holiday event.
Please read the first post I made in this very thread
My other comment was merely a statement that games can share features even though they are not the same:-)i know my friend, i was just being sarcastic;-) no pun or offence intended.
I will totally admit that I failed to pick up on the sarcasm, but I wasn’t offended at all 🙂 (forrás)
A gold pickup radius téma is felütötte fejét a hivatalos fórumokon, én csak azon csodálkozom, hogy eddig nem fordítottak erre nagyobb figyelmet. A játékosok arról diskuráltak, hogy mennyire idegesítő az, amikor 3-4-szer is körözni kell egy-egy aranyhalom fölött, mire végül felveszi a karakter. Sokféle javaslat érkezett a probléma megoldására, például paragon szinttel együtt fejlődő pickup radius is felmerült. Nem lenne rossz ötlet szerintem, bár az én javaslatom az lenne, hogy növeljék 0.5-1 yarddal az arany felvétel sugarának alap értékét. Vaeflare megígérte, hogy továbbítja az ötleteket a fejlesztők felé és utána néznek a dolognak.
As a few players have pointed out in this thread, there are quite a range of appealing affixes that items can have. By choosing items that increase your pickup radius, you are making a decision that the value of that stat matters to you, and that you’re willing to trade other stats in order to have it. Having these sorts of compelling choices helps offer different itemization choices, and we like that players often have to weigh their options when comparing gear in order to be the most efficient, to have the greatest DPS, to find the best loot, etc.
We also like knowing when you feel that improvements can be made, though, so thank you for the feedback (seriously). We’ll make sure it gets passed along to our developers. (forrás)
Bizonyára ti is észrevettétek, hogy nem történik túl sok minden a Diablo világában hírek terén. Ez nem feltétlenül azt jelenti, hogy tényleg nem történik semmi, lehet ez a kommunikáció hiányának is hatása. Többek között hírt kaptunk arról is, hogy néhány Community Manager vakációra ment, ugyanakkor némi “nem látható munkát” is végeztek (ilyenek például a Facebook Twitter, fórumok moderálása, visszajelzések jelentése, ami azért nem kis munka).
Missing Community Managers
I’ve been both out of the country for work and on vacation, so I’m afraid I haven’t been available much. I missed you guys, though. =/Both Vaeflare and Grimiku have been posting quite a bit, as well as doing all of the non-visible work that’s part and parcel of being a community representative for Blizzard (moderation, feedback reporting, meetings and more meetings, talking on Twitter and FB, that kind of thing). Even so, if you’d feel like we could do better on the posting front, let us know! Hit us up at (forrás)
Korábban is volt már téma, de újra felmerült a fórumokon a kamera rázkódásának effektje. Őszintén szólva én ezt rettenetesen idegesítőnek találom, hiszen mikor az ember több órát játszik, már belefájdulhat a feje is. Azokkal a játékosokkal értek egyet, akik arra voksolnak, hogy legyen opció a kikapcsolására. A Blizzard ezt valamiért szokásához híven nem szeretné de tisztában vannak a problémával, ezért valamilyen más megoldást próbálnak keresni az idegesítő effekt hatásának befolyásolására. Ti mit gondoltok erről, hogyan oldanátok meg?
We don’t think that adding an option to disable screen shake is necessarily the best answer to this problem, but we do agree that a) it is a problem (even if it’s not high priority) and B) we’d like to do something about it.
The primary issue is with the way many of the spells with a “shake” effect were designed. The shake itself isn’t so bad if the spell is cast on a target that’s farther away from your character, and that’s how we imagined those spells would primarily be used when we originally implemented them. For many current builds, though, it’s common to repeatedly cast spells with those effects right on top of yourself (see Meteor or Zombie Bears, or in rare situations Dire Bats). The result is that the shake is MUCH more prominent than we intended, and those play styles weren’t something we really accounted for when we were designing all the spell FX.
So, it’s our bad, and we want to fix it, but we’d prefer to correct the core of the problem (the way the shake effect works) rather than creating another toggle in the Options menu. That’s a timely investment, though, and there are other things we’d like to address first, so I don’t have a time frame to share for when we’ll get to it just yet.
TL; DR: We’ve heard your feedback (yay!). We agree that the shake can be annoying. We want to correct the issue and improve your gaming experience, but we don’t have an ETA on when we’ll be able to tackle that fix.
This is a little confusing, because Zombie Bears has a horrible, horrible range. It feels like I’m casting spectral blades.
Well, in the case of Zombie Bears, it’s probably more how frequently players are casting it rather than pure range. Same issues still applies, though: we didn’t account for certain spells with the shake effect to really be used in the ways they are now, so the original FX design isn’t as friendly to some of the newer/current builds.And the option to disable the effect is still something we can consider, but it’s not something we favor. In general, for a game like Diablo III, we want to try to avoid adding options for everything as a way to correct an issue and instead see if we can address why you’re asking for the option in the first place.
This is arrogance, you want to force us to play the game exactly how you designed it?
Just because we disagree with a specific suggestion or solution doesn’t mean we’re arrogant, or that we even think the suggestion/solution is bad. It just means it doesn’t mesh with our design philosophy for the game, and it’s okay for players and designers to sometimes have disagreements on that front.To a point, games are designed to be played a specific way, and that call is really up to the people who designed it. While we do happily listen to player feedback and have made many, many positive changes as a result of your input, there will probably always be some situations where our opinions for how the game should function or look will differ.
you provide options to disable music. isn;t this request somewhere in the same ballpark?
Didn’t say the idea was in the realm of “never,” just that we’d rather try to fix the issue at its core rather than simply opting for another menu option over other solutions.Still, I really respect your post and perspective on the matter (similar for other replies in this thread) and am happy to pass on the feedback.