Kezdőlap Hírek Kérdezd a fejlesztőket Q&A itemizáció válaszok

Kérdezd a fejlesztőket Q&A itemizáció válaszok


Megvolt az itemizációval kapcsolatban a Kérdezd a felesztőket akció, meg is érkeztek a válaszok. Nem valami sok, de már valamerre elindultak, következzenek a válaszok röviden pontokba szedve:


    • Változtatni szeretnének a Rare itemeken, mert az alap armor ill. sebzés nem függ a monster szintjétől, ami dobja csak a statok függnek tőle.


 Jelenleg több dolgon  is agyalnak a tervezők, többek közt:

  • A gemek mellett milyen tárgyakba tehető dolgokat lehetne tenni, jewelek stb.
  • Adott stat változtatása bizonyos mértékben a másikra.


  • Adott stat erősítése a tárgyakon.


  • Újabb receptek bevezetése a játékba


  • A 1.0.8-ban bekövetkező kisebb droprate mellett a tárgyak legyártásához szükséges alapanyagok mennyiségének optimalizálása.


  • Az add socket  opció egyelőre nem kerül bele a játékba, de már gondolkoznak rajta, milyen formában kerülhetne bele, anélkül, hogy úgy érezze a játékos, kötelező lenne használnia.

The developers participating in this Q&A round include:

Wyatt Cheng, Senior Technical Game Designer
Travis Day, Game Designer
Don Vu, Associate Game Designer

he developers participating in this Q&A round include:

Wyatt Cheng, Senior Technical Game Designer
Travis Day, Game Designer
Don Vu, Associate Game Designer

We’re doing things a little differently this time around and will be providing developer answers in several parts spread over multiple weeks. Below are the answers for part 1.

Q. Will all legendaries found on Inferno roll level 63 base stat values (armor and dps values) and level 63 “non-base” (affixes) stat values?

– Zoth#2543 (Americas [English]), Koric#1513 (Americas [English]), Hardhat#2565 (Europe [German]), sergeix #2204 (Europe [Spanish])

Travis: Yes, our plan is to handle Legendary items in a similar fashion to how we handle Rare items. Legendary items will roll at a level equal to the creature that dropped it. This means that, in addition to a Legendary’s stats rolling at the monster level, the base item stats will also roll at the monster’s level. Right now, Rares don’t work this way. Instead, their affixes roll at the level of the monster, but their base armor and weapon damage remain unchanged.

Q. Will there any way for the players to have some control over the item stats. Such as implementing the mystic?

– Malkieri#1456 (Americas [English]), oraulo#2320 (Europe [German]), Goudru #1130 (Europe [French]), Djinn #2133 (Europe [French]), Blaine #2750 (Europe [Italian])

Don: Giving players more control and customization of their item stats is something we talk about a lot in our office. There have been a lot of ideas thrown around here and some great suggestions from the community, but we have not finalized any systems yet.

To give you an idea of what direction we’re heading toward, though, here are just a few ideas that we’re considering right now:
The ability to change a portion of a particular stat on an item to another stat of your choice
The ability to augment an existing item with a stat bonus of your choice
The ability to create an item with one or several fixed affixes—similar to the Rare recipes introduced in 1.0.7
We’ve also discussed adding other types of “socketables” with a wide variety of possible affixes that you can put in your socketed items instead of gems

All of these systems have their positives and negatives, so we want to make sure we make the right choice and consider all other changes we plan on making before deciding which systems we want to implement.

As far as the Mystic goes, she’s a cunning lady. I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of her.

Q. Where is my add socket?

– TwoCoins#1776 (enUS), Graupel#2865 (Europe [English])

Wyatt: When the game was in development, we the Blacksmith had the ability to add a socket to an item. Adding a socket makes the item better, so you pretty much always wanted to do it, and we found adding the socket felt like a small chore that didn’t actually increase the gameplay depth. You already need to insert gems to a socketed item, and felt having to add a socket as well would be a step too many.

With that in mind, there are still some gameplay benefits to adding a socket that we’d still like to capture. Although having to add a socket every time can feel like a chore, if there was a mechanic that made it a legitimate decision, that is something we could explore. Additionally, there’s something to be said for feeling more invested in an item—taking steps to improve an item increases your emotional bond with it, which is something we could definitely do better at.

So, to answer your question, it’s something that’s definitely on the table for the future, but it likely won’t be identical to the system that was in Diablo II or the early iterations of Diablo III.

Yes, we plan to take all of our future changes into consideration when balancing the amount of reagents needed for crafting recipes. We haven’t decided on a number to reduce the number of drops by yet, so we can’t go into specifics on how or if existing and future crafting recipes are going to change.

Don: Giving players more control and customization of their item stats is something we talk about a lot in our office. There have been a lot of ideas thrown around here and some great suggestions from the community, but we have not finalized any systems yet.

To give you an idea of what direction we’re heading toward, though, here are just a few ideas that we’re considering right now:
The ability to change a portion of a particular stat on an item to another stat of your choice
The ability to augment an existing item with a stat bonus of your choice
The ability to create an item with one or several fixed affixes—similar to the Rare recipes introduced in 1.0.7
We’ve also discussed adding other types of “socketables” with a wide variety of possible affixes that you can put in your socketed items instead of gems

All of these systems have their positives and negatives, so we want to make sure we make the right choice and consider all other changes we plan on making before deciding which systems we want to implement.

As far as the Mystic goes, she’s a cunning lady. I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of her.

To be continued in part 2. . .

