Kezdőlap Hírek Wyatt hasznos infói a Mysticről és konzol nehézségi fokozatok

Wyatt hasznos infói a Mysticről és konzol nehézségi fokozatok


Wyatt Cheng további infókat osztott meg a mysticcel kapcsolatban:

  • Csak egyetlen tulajdonságot rerollolhatunk egy tárgyon.
  • Az enchantolt tárgyak account boundosak lesznek.
  • Bár csak egyetlen tulajdonságot rerollolhatunk, azt viszont akárhányszor tehetjük egy adott tárgyon.
  • Még fejlesztés alatt álla  legendary reroll: kérdéses, hogy random válasszon rerollolandó statot a legendaryról a rendszer vagy a játékos választhassa ki, hogy mely statját tekerje újra.
  • Visszavonható az enchantolás: ha rosszul sikerült az első és úgy érezzük megbántuk az enchantot, akkor még visszaállítható a tárgy az előző állapotára.
  • A socketelés is jelen lesz a mysticnél. (Larzuk most irigykedni fog… :))


This is spot on.

We are still iterating heavily on the system, so the exact details may vary from what we talk about today, so let’s talk about our values. By focusing on our design values, even if the exact implementation changes, you”ll be able to see our intent and what’s important to us. Here are some of our design values for enchanting:

Value: It’s important for the actual hunt for the loot to still matter
How enchanting supports this: As currently designed, you are only allowed to reroll ONE property on an item. In this way, each item can only be changed so much from it’s original state. This allows enchanting to feel meaningful, while still allowing lots of room for players to resume hunting for an even better “base item” to enchant into an even better item.

Value: We want this to be a meaningful end-game sink
How enchanting supports this:
1. As previously mentioned, all items that are enchanted will be bound to account
2. Even though you are allowed to reroll only ONE property, you can reroll that property over and over. For example, suppose an item has 200 str, 200 vit, 80 res all, +1200 Life on Kill and +400 Life on Hit. You might choose to reroll the +1200 Life on Kill and get +87 Hitpoints per second. You can then reroll the +87 Hitpoints per second and get +4 gold pickup radius. You can reroll the “mutable” stat as many times as you want, but the other 4 stats (200 str, 200 vit, 80 res all and +400 Life on Hit) are now “locked in” and cannot be rerolled.
3. We want to ensure enchanting is meaningful on Legendary items. We are working hard to make sure Legendary items are awesome. If we want enchanting to be a meaningful end-game sink, it needs to work on the best items in the game. It has not yet been determined whether this means you can enchant the “guaranteed” properties of a Legendary, or if you can only reroll the “random” properties of a Legendary. This aspect of the design is still under iteration but at the end of the day we want enchanting Legendary items to be worthwhile.

Value: We want to avoid “Buyer’s Remorse”
How enchanting supports this: Have you ever played an RPG with an enchanting system that sometimes randomly made the item worse? Since we’re allowing the result to be random, it’s possible that your choices for enchanting are worse than the property you’re replacing. Oftentimes this can lead to a feeling of dread when you begin the enchanting process. Or maybe you re-enchant the item over and over hoping to at least get something better than what you started but you get unlucky and run out of money or reagents before you get a good roll! To mitigate this, when we present you the list of options one of the options is ALWAYS the original property. So if you don’t like the new options you can always choose to keep the old one. Now you can enchant with peace-of-mind.

Standard disclaimer. Enchanting is a work-in-progress. Expect it to change before it’s done, but this is a glimpse at the current state.

I think the answer is yes, if I did not hear it wrong, Josh said on the Gamescom presentation.
Correct. Sockets are a possible affix that can be re-rolled onto an item (at least currently). (forrás)

Újbóli megerősítést nyert az a tény, miszerint a kiegészítő előtt még lesz kiegészítő előtti patch, amiben felkészítik az alapjátékot így könnyebben összehangolható az upgrade. Arról is volt szó, hogy elképzelhetőek új legendary craft receptek, de ez még erős fejlesztés alatt áll.

Another Confirmation on Pre-Expansion Patch Content
Before the expansion is released, we intend to have a pre-patch that will implement many of the new systems and features we’ve talked about for Diablo III for free. We want to make improvements to the core gameplay experience for all players, but at this time we don’t have a full list on which features will be included in this free update and which will be exclusive to the expansion.

The features we’re looking to require the Reaper of Souls expansion are the new Crusader class, Act V, the Mystic, and progressing beyond the current level cap (level 60). (forrás)

There Could be More Crafted Legendary items in RoS
We’ve certainly discussed the possibility of adding in some new craftable Legendary items into the expansion, but we don’t have any concrete plans just yet.

What kind of Legendary items would you like to be able to craft? If you had full control over the system, how would you want that process to work? (forrás)


A konzol nehézségi fokozatok másak, mint PC-n: Easy, Normal és Hard fokozatok vannak, viszont ezek nincsenek hatással az mf és gf statokra, azonban Hard fokozaton tovább hangolhatjuk a nehézséget, ami már eredményez lootbeli különbségeket.

I know there is some confusion on the forums about how Easy, Normal, and Hard modes affect adventure stats, so I’m going to try and help clear that up. Those modes (Easy, Normal, and Hard) do not alter Magic Find, Gold Find, or XP Bonus in any way, and are just there so players can adjust the difficulty to their liking.

Once you’re ready to handle something more challenging than Hard difficulty, however, those bonuses quickly ramp up. Here’s what you can expect from Master I – Master V difficulties.

Master I: +60% Magic Find, +60% Gold Find, +120% XP Bonus
Master II: +70% Magic Find, +70% Gold Find, +140% XP Bonus
Master III: +80% Magic Find, +80% Gold Find, +160% XP Bonus
Master IV: +90% Magic Find, +90% Gold Find, +180% XP Bonus
Master V: +100% Magic Find, +100% Gold Find, +200% XP Bonus (forrás)