Lylirra újabb részleteket árult el a Paragon 2.0 rendszeréről, ám ezek az információk még mindig változhatnak a fejlesztési idő múlása során:
- Még kérdéses, hogy a jelenleg halott HC karakterek paragon xp-je átszámítódik-e a HC paragon 2.0-ra.
- A négy kategória neve a következő: Core Stats, Offensive, Defensive, és Adventure.
- A szintlépés során paragon pontot kapunk. Hogy ezt a pontot melyik kategóriában oszthatjuk el, az aktuális szintünk határozza meg: 1-es paragon szinten a “Core Stat” kategóriában költhetjük a kapott pontot, 2-es szinten az “Offensive”-re, 3-as szinten a “Defensive”-re, 4-esen a “Utility”(vagy “Adventure”)-re. Minden ezt követő szint ezen a sémán fog alapulni.
- A “Core Stats (DEX, INT, STR, VIT)” kategórián kívül minden csoportnak lesz limitje: kategóriánként 200 szint, így 800-as szinten maxolt lesz minden kategória. 800 utáni szinteket automatikusan a “Core Stats”-re kapjuk a paragon pontokat.
- Bár a paragon pontokat közösen kapjuk az accountra, karakterenként különbözően oszthatjuk be őket. Ez azt jelenti, hogy 100-as közös paragon szint esetén különböző karakterek esetén különböző módon költhetjük el ezt a 100 pontot. (100-as szint = minden karakternek 100 költhető pontja lesz)
- Még nem döntötték el, hogy a pontok újraosztása jár-e valamiféle költséggel és ha igen akkor mivel járjon.
- A Paragon 2.0 érkezésekor az accounton lévő karakterek paragon tapasztalati pontját átültetik az új rendszerbe. A meghatározó a karakterek összesített Paragon xp-je lesz, nem pedig a szintjük. (Például felesleges csinálni 10 darab lvl 80-es karaktert kevesebb számú paragon 100-as helyett.) Mindez játékmódonként (HC-SC) külön-külön fog érvényesülni.
- A Paragon szintezési görbe még fejlesztés alatt áll ezért nem tudni, hogy jelenlegi paragon tapasztalati pontunk, szintünk hányas osztott paragon szintet fog eredményezni.
- A Paragon 2.0 alatt elhalálozott vagy kitörölt karakterek tapasztalati pontjai nem fognak elveszni, eltűnni az accountunkról: ez a Paragon 2.0 egyik előnye.
- Minden karakter ugyanannyi paragon xp-t fog szerezni a játék során: nem lesznek hátrányai/előnyei azonos típusú karakterek szintezésének (például bármikor válthatunk kedvenc kasztunk férfi vagy női lvl 60-as verziója között mindenféle hátrány/előny nélkül)
- Még nincs infó az új paragon portrékról (arról sem, hogy lesznek-e vagy sem)
Right now when you delete a character, the EXP is gone unless you restore it (if the character was the last one you deleted). But come Paragon 2.0, your EXP will be on your account, not on any particular character. If you delete that character, all the EXP will still be on your account. Think of a HC character dying. For HC paragon, that “loss” will not impact the EXP you gained on the account.
Correct! That’s how both character deletion and character death (for Hardcore) currently play into Paragon 2.0.As a sort of side-note, one of the big questions for the Hardcore community is whether or not currently-dead characters will contribute to your HC Shared Paragon level once Paragon 2.0 rolls out. That decision has not yet been made. We know that this is impacting the way some HC enthusiasts are choosing to play right now, so once we’ve made a decision we’ll be sure to let you know. (Note, however, that even if we do make a decision in the near future, things may still change all the way up until Paragon 2.0 goes live based on testing and feedback.)
Alright, so. Let’s get everything into one place. 🙂
Paragon 2.0 is a work-in-progress.
All points below are as of current design.
Details are subject to change before Paragon 2.0 goes live.
More information will be made available as development continues.– With Paragon 2.0, we’re making three significant changes to the Paragon system. The first is that we’re removing the cap on Paragon levels. Players can now earn as many Paragon levels as they please.
– The second is that Paragon levels are now account-wide per game type. Game type = game mode (i.e. Normal and Hardcore). All Normal characters on an account will share a Paragon level. Similarly, all Hardcore characters on an account will share a Paragon level. Following Paragon 2.0 going live, any Paragon experience you gain on your Normal or Hardcore characters will contribute to your account’s Normal Shared Paragon level or Hardcore Shared Paragon level, respectively.
– The third change is that we’ve removed the innate bonuses granted by Paragon levels, and players will now earn Paragon Points every time they level up. These points can then be spent to boost up various stats in four different categories: Core Stats, Offensive, Defensive, and Adventure.
– What category a Paragon Point can be spent in will be determined by what Paragon level you earn. Paragon level 1 gives you a point to spend in “Core Stat,” Paragon level 2 gives you a point to in “Offensive,” Paragon level 3 gives you a point to spend in “Defensive,” and Paragon level 4 gives you a point to spend in “Utility” (or “Adventure”). Each Paragon level past that follows the same pattern.
– All categories other than Core Stats (DEX, INT, STR, VIT) have a cap on the number of points that can be allocated to them, which also means there is a cap to the total number of points that 3 of the 4 categories can have. At present, this means if you reach Shared Paragon 800, you will have maxed the number of points that can be allocated to the Offensive, Defensive, and Utility categories and all future Paragon levels you earn will grant you a point in the Core Stat category instead.
– Your account’s Paragon Point pool is not shared between your characters. Instead, characters on your account will each get their own set of Paragon Points to spend independently (e.g. you can spend your Paragon Points differently for each character). To provide an example, if your account’s Normal Shared Paragon level is 100, all Normal characters on your account will each get 100 Paragon Points to distribute as you see fit.
– Players can respec their Paragon Points. We’ve not yet finalized whether or not respeccing Paragon Points will incur a cost, or what the respec cost might be if we decide to implement one.
– When Paragon 2.0 goes live, we’ll being adding up all the Paragon experience on each of your characters, and we’ll be using that combined total (the total amount of Paragon experience you have, not the total number of Paragon levels) to determine your Shared Paragon level. Again, this will be broken down by game type.
– The leveling curve for Paragon 2.0 has not yet been finalized, so we are unable to provide a direct conversion of current Paragon levels > Shared Paragon levels at this time.
– Under Paragon 2.0, if a character dies or is deleted, the amount of Paragon experience it contributed to your Shared Paragon level will not be lost. This is a benefit of having Paragon experience stored at the account level, rather than at the character level.
– Whether or not currently-dead characters will contribute to your account’s Hardcore Shared Paragon level once Paragon 2.0 rolls out has not been decided. We know that this is impacting the way some Hardcore enthusiasts are choosing to play right now, so once we’ve made a decision we’ll be sure to let you know. (Note, however, that even if we do make a decision in the near future, things may still change all the way up until Paragon 2.0 goes live based on testing and feedback.)
– All characters will be able to contribute to Shared Paragon levels equally. There are no bonuses or burdens for Paragon leveling multiple characters of the same class.
– We don’t have any information about new Paragon portraits at this time.
– Travis Day offers more development insight into Paragon 2.0 here, here, and here.
Feedback is absolutely welcome! (forrás)