Játékosok körében – jogosan – felvetődik a kérdés, hogy bizonyos karakterek törlése hatással van-e a paragon szintünkre a jelenlegi rendszerben. Grimiku azt a kielégítő választ adta, hogy nem, nincs hatással a paragon szintre a karakterek törlése, hiszen már account szintű tulajdonság a paragon szint. Akár az összes kariknat törölhetjük, paragon szintünk akkor is változatlan marad.
Felvetődött a nagyobb item hely igény is, melyre azt a rövid választ kaptuk, hogy elismerik a helyigény növekedését a RoS-ban megjelenő új kaszt miatt ezért azok a játékosok akik megvásárolják a kiegészítőt egy újabb táskafület vásárolhatnak meg (goldért) a játékban. Az alapjáték játékosainak maradniuk kell a megszokott hely keretein belül.
Felmerült az a kérdés is, hogy mi a különbség a Templar és a Crusader között? A válasz az, hogy ez két külön rend: a Templarok nem tagjai Zakarum rendjének, nem úgy mint a Crusaderek vagy Paladinok. Mindemellett a Templar nem olyan régi rend, mondhatni nehéz hasonlítani egy olyan ősi rendhez, mint a Crusader. Az Actokon való utazás során Kormac még több infót megoszt velünk ezzel kapcsolatban.
Paragon Levels Aren’t Affected By Character Deletion
Hey all, at the beginning of the year I ended up playing through a demon hunter and switched over to another one for various reasons. Now I’m wondering, before the patch my first DH only had a paragon level of 4 or so. I do not need this DH anymore as I have another, however with all characters sharing paragon levels now, will my overall paragon level decrease once I delete this DH? Thanks everybody!
I see someone has already answered this for you, but it’s a good question that I’m sure other players have wondered about as well, especially when it comes to Hardcore characters. The short answer is no, deleting characters or dying in Hardcore will not decrease your Paragon level in any way. This is because Paragon experience is tied to the account rather than individual characters. So feel free to battle the monsters of Sanctuary with the ease of mind that comes from knowing your maximum level characters are all contributing to your Paragon level, regardless of their uncertain future. (forrás)
Clarification On Additional Stash Space
With BoA in full swing it would be nice to have more stash space seeing as the pool of items you’ve collected pretty much defines what builds you can run.
Players who upgrade to Reaper of Souls will be able to purchase another bank tab for gold. As someone who plays every class I definitely sympathize with the need for a little more inventory space, especially when we add a Crusader to the roster! (forrás)
Difference Between Crusader and Templar
In short, the difference is that they are not part of the same order. The Templars, in particular, are not explicitly a branch of the Zakarum faith as Crusaders and Paladins are.The Templars are based out of Westmarch and a relatively new group compared to the Crusaders. I recommend speaking with Kormac throughout each Act as he’ll eagerly tell you about his order. In Reaper of Souls, he’ll have even more to share as he delves into his suspicions that all is not as well with his brothers and the Grand Maester.
Crusaders and Paladins, on the other hand, are different branches of warriors of the Zakarum faith, originating in Kehjistan, the largest of which came from Travincal. There’s a ton of history behind them both, and we may possibly be working on some things to share soon that go even more in depth, so do keep an eye out on our upcoming blogs.
Will there be unique dialogue between the followers and the crusader? I might keep Kormac if he swoons enough.
The Crusader has been fully implemented in Acts I-IV, including appropriate (new) Follower dialogue.