A konzol előrendeléshez járó bónusz cuccokkal kapcsolatos dolgokat igen sokan félreértették, ezért jött Grimiku aki kék posztjában hipp-hopp gatyába rázta a dolgokat:
A játékosok azt gondolták, hogy a konzol verziós RoS előrendeléséhez is jár majd a Wings of Valor, de tévedtek. A konzolos Ultimate Evil Edition sem fogja tartalmazni, hiszen ez egy PC exkluzív tárgy volt. A konzolosok Infernal Pauldronst fognak kapni, ami Vitalityt, Life per Second-t, és Cooldown Reduction-t ad majd a játékosoknak a remekbe szabott külső mellett. Persze emelett az előrendelők megkapják majd a Spectral Hound petet és a RoS témájú transmog recepteket is.
I should clarify something about the Wings of Valor in particular while we’re on the subject, though. The Wings of Valor were a PC-exclusive pre-order item for Reaper of Souls (for players who picked up the expansion prior to a specific date), and will not be available to those who purchase Ultimate Evil Edition. However, I left out some important information about console pre-orders for Ultimate Evil Edition in my previous post, and I want to address that now. So, sorry about the hiccup!
Players who pre-order the Ultimate Evil Edition will receive the Infernal Pauldrons. These shoulders will boost your Vitality, Life per Second, and Cooldown Reduction, and persist even after you find an upgrade as a sweet Transmogrification option. If you want to read a little more about the Ultimate Evil Edition, take a look at the Infernal Pauldrons, find a retailer to pre-order, then feel free to check out the link to the Ultimate Evil Edition street date announcement. Pre-ordering will also provide you with the Spectral Hound minion and Reaper of Souls-themed transmog plans (which include three helm appearances and seven weapon appearances).
As I noted earlier, though, there are still some bonus trinkets we have yet to reveal for Ultimate Evil Edition. I hear that E3 is next week; you may want to tune in.
Wait, did you just mix up console and PC pre-order content? <_<“
A good question, but we didn’t mix them up.
The Spectral Hound and Reaper of Souls-themed transmog plans were included in the Reaper of Souls digital deluxe package, but were not exclusive pre-order items. So, players who pre-order Ultimate Evil Edition will be getting them, too! (forrás)