Négy nagyon fontos hotfix érkezett tegnap a szerverekre:
- A Horadric Cache-ekből sokkal nagyobb esélyel kaphatunk act specifikus tárgyakat, ez az esély pedig még jobban skálázódik a nehézségi fokozatok növelésével (például nagyobb eséllyel kaphatunk Royal Ringet A1 bounty bagből, legfőképpen T6-on).
- A Cesspools szinteken ritkábban fognak teremni ellenfelek egyből a bejárat mellett.
- A Key of Trials drop esélyét számottevően növelték.
- A Greater Riftekben kapott Blood Shardok mennyiségét növelték, ez pedig tovább skálázódik a nehézség növekedésével.
- Cessools szintekkel nem találkozhatunk már a Greater riftekben.
- A Boon of the Hoarder most már megfelelően működik petek általi kill esetén is.
A következő hotfixben pedig majd törlik a következő bountykat:
- The Matriarch’s Bones
- The Jar of Souls
- The Miser’s Will
- A Miner’s Gold
Ez a változtatás életbe lép majd a seasonben és nem seasonben is.
Below you will find a list of hotfixes recently applied or coming soon that address various bugs or mechanic tweaks.These hotfixes should not require you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below will go live the moment they are implemented while others may require restarting the game to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch. Also note that changes to certain abilities will not be reflected in its tooltip until a patch is issued.
Last updated September 3. Hotfixes are denoted by the date they were applied to live servers.
- The following Bounties have been disabled
- The Matriarch’s Bones
- The Jar of Souls
- The Miser’s Will
- A Miner’s Gold
- For more information on this change, please refer to our philosophy post
- The drop rate for bounty-specific Legendaries has been drastically increased and scales based on game difficulty (9/3)
- The Cesspools should less frequently spawn enemies immediately at the start of the level (9/3)
Nephalem Rifts and Greater Rifts:
- The drop rate for Key of Trials has been significantly increased (9/3)
- The amount of Blood Shards that drop in Greater Rifts has been increased; this number scales based off the tier of the Greater Rift completed (9/3) (forrás)
- The Cesspools will no longer spawn in Greater Rifts (9/3)
- Note that they still have a chance to spawn in regular Nephalem Rifts
- Boon of the Hoarder should now work correctly when your pet kills an enemy (9/3)