Ma érkezett egy javítás az élő szerverekre amely végre élvezhetővé teszi a játékot 64 bites kliensen, korábban ugyanis nagyon ingadozó volt a játék teljesítménye még a legmodernebb rendszereken is. Szerencsére nem kellett sokáig várnunk a javításra, így élvezhetjük a directx 11-et támogató kliens előnyeit fps csökkenés nélkül. A javításban egyébként még két dolog is helyet kapott: a Barber már nem öli meg a segítőnket mikor ők használják és a Flail of the Ascended használatakor Shield Glare képességünk már nem csak az utolsó eltalált ellenfelet sebzi.
Below you will find a list of hotfixes recently applied or coming soon that address various bugs or mechanic tweaks.
These hotfixes should not require you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below will go live the moment they are implemented while others may require restarting the game to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch. Also note that changes to certain abilities will not be reflected in its tooltip until a patch is issued.
Last updated January 10. Hotfixes are denoted by the date they were applied to live servers.
Previous Hotfixes: [2.3.0] [2.4.0] [2.4.1] [2.4.2]
- A fix has been deployed that should resolve many of the 64-bit client issues since the release of Patch 2.4.3 (1/9)
- Please note that this fix will require you to download a small patch
- If you have updated to the latest patch and are still experiencing issues, please detail your experience in our Bug Report or Technical Support forums and be sure to include your dxdiag report
- The Barber
- Addressed an issue where having The Barber equipped on a Follower could repeatedly kill that Follower (1/9)
- Flail of the Ascended
- Fixed an issue where Shield Glare would only damage the last enemy hit by Shield Glare (1/9)
forrás: us.battle.net