“Blizzard has nothing against controllers, joysticks or living rooms, said Paul Sams, Blizzard’s chief operating officer, at last month’s annual BlizzCon event in Anaheim. Financial details are what’s holding up the company’s long-overdue return to the console market. …Blizzard is shopping around Diablo III to consoles.
“We are in ongoing talks with Microsoft and Sony,†Sams said. “I think they desire to see us on their platforms.â€
“A near-finished game called StarCraft: Ghost was the closest Blizzard has come to releasing a console game in years. Due to the loss of a key person on the outsourced development team, “it wasn’t turning out the way we wanted,†Sams said. So, Blizzard scrapped the project. That crucial developer, Ray Gresko, now leads work on Diablo III.”
“I think that a lot of other companies would not have hesitated in publishing it,†Sams said about the game based on its sci-fi franchise. “We weren’t willing to put out a game that was not at the level of Blizzard polish quality that customers have come to expect.”
Gondolom olvasóink közül jónéhányan vannak, akik nemcsak PC-vel, hanem valamelyik konzollal is rendelkeznek. Mi a véleményetek, szerintetek milyen lenne a Diablo 3 ezek valamelyikén, és örülnétek-e neki, ha PC-n kívül más platformon is megjelenne?