Bashiok ismét jelentkezett egy aprósággal a készülő Diablo 3-mal kapcsolatban. A különböző Shrine-k (oltárok, melyek bizonyos buffokat vagy debuffokat osztanak), mostmár az egész partyra fognak hatni. Az egyik rajongó ugyanis a Shrinek helyett “Power Up” Orbokat javasolt, melyek mindenkire hatnának. Az ötlet nem lenne rossz, de a fejlesztők már korábban elvetették a hasonló ötletet, a scrollok és elixirek helyett, mert nem használná őket senki, és ott hagynák a földön, magyarul felesleges lenne.
Bashiok bluepost…
Shrine buffs apply to the entire party as long as they're in range.As far as “power-up orbs” it's something I thought of as well, which usually means the designers thought of it a year+ ago. Not as a shrine replacement though, but as a replacement for buff scrolls/elixirs. I just either forget to use them or let them sit afraid of wasting them. So they just take up bag space. I face the same dilemma in WoW and usually just end up throwing them on the AH because I realize I'll never use them. Obviously some people are better than me, and able to remember to use them, as they usually sell.