Kezdőlap Egyéb Bashiok a Gemekről

Bashiok a Gemekről

Bashiok ezúttal a gemekről beszélt a nagyérdeműnek. Most pedig következzék pontokban a lényeg.

  • Az adott gem 14 db upgradeje nincs kőbe vésve, természetesen idővel még változhat.
  • Az egyes gem szintek közt nem lesz túl nagy különbség, szép fokozatosan nő az adott érték rajta, tehát nem kell sietni,nem hajt a tatár, hogy rögtön lvl 14-sre húzassuk a Jewelerrel.
  • Az azonos szintű adott gemek jelenleg az inventoryban 10-sével stackelhetők.
  • A Blacksmith Artisan el tudja távolítani a gemeket a tárgyakból megfelelő gold ellenében, hogy megmaradnak-e a kövek arról még nincs információ, bár Bashiok szavaiból arra engedek következtetni, hogy megmaradnak.
  • A gemeknek nincs szint követelményük, így alacsonyabb szintű karaktereink tápolására is kiválóan alkalmasak.
  • Elképzelhető, hogy egyes receptekhez szükség lesz majd gemekre is, hisz a crafting rendszer sem végleges még. 

Bashiok bluepost…
Yeah, that's about right. I mean keep in mind none of this has been proven through actual testing but the current design is that yeah, it's going to take a lot of lower level gems to reach the very highest high end.

The gem-to-gem upgrade intent is not to have these huge gaps where you feel like you're lame unless you have level 14 gems in every slot, but as a long term goal for the hardcore min/maxers and PvPers who are going to be playing for a long time and be able to work toward those goals. It's something you can put a little time into just by upgrading the gems you pick up during normal play, so you're constantly able to keep working toward the goal of crafting a level 14 gem.

Also the trading game and millions of people playing for months is going to make them a lot more attainable than they may seem when throwing out numbers like 19,000. 🙂

It's possible it may feel crappy or we need to add something to help jump gaps, or, who knows. It's all very unproven at the moment, but we think provides a nice long term goal anyone can work toward just by killing monsters and picking up gems.

Bashiok bluepost…
Gems do stack. Right now it's 10 but that could go up as we see fit. They have a good chance of being used in other ways aside from simply being socketed, something that would siphon them out of the economy. Maybe crafting. We like them remaining as something you have to visit the Jeweler artisan to combine. We don't want it to be annoying or take a lot of time though. We also don't anticipate someone visiting one with 19,000 gems looking to upgrade all the way to level 14. 😉
They don't have a level requirement so we do intend to see them used as a way to twink new characters, or allow people to buy into gemming up a bit earlier on if they have the gold.
Our current anticipation is that it will take the hardcore players quite a while before they start maxing out their gems, long enough that they won't see level 14 gems in all slots for all of their gear before we throw something new at them.

You will not get anywhere near the amount of crafting reagents back from what it took to craft the item. If you craft something, then salvage it, you'll be losing a significant portion of what it will take to make another one of the same type.

It's important to keep in mind that you can pay an artisan to remove the gems from an item. The last design I had heard of was that it was based on gem value, so as you socket higher level gems it becomes more expensive, but you'll almost certainly want to unsocket gems to level them up, or swap to new gear. This may cause some unique problems for low level (non-twink) characters attempting to buy high level gems and then being unable to remove them from the socket when they get a better piece of armor (because they can't afford it), but that may turn out to be an acceptable roadblock.

The idea of gems even being required for recipes is still just a notion, so in-depth design on how they're incorporated with crafting is unknown.
