Bashiok bluepost…We don't have a lot of skills that require specific weapon types. The monk is the exception as he does have a few combat staff or fist weapon specific skills, and we expect players won't pick both at the same time so there is a bit more skill customization there. For the barbarian though, his skills really only require that a melee weapon be equipped, which will probably be the case all of the time for everyone playing a barb. The witch doctor and wizard, none of the current skills require a weapon at all as far as I'm aware, although you obviously want to have one equipped.
The general philosophy and intent for the differences between the three main melee types is to make them all viable, but with obvious trade offs. For dual-wield versus two hander, it's currently balanced so that it's essentially an aesthetic choice. If you think it looks cool to run around with a big two hander, do it, if you get two awesome one-handers, then use those. Obviously that comes down to tuning affixes and such as it's one item versus two, but that's the intent and how it is balanced and works in the game right now. Compared to using a shield it should be viable either way, but you're obviously gaining some survivability with a shield. The drop in damage output should be accurately offset with a better chance to live, ability to take some greater risks, etc.
There's obviously a difference in the way they play, yeah. Two-handers are bigger, slower, but feel more powerful. And dual-wield is much faster and bashier. What I meant was from a damage perspective they should be balanced so that no matter what you use, two hander or dual wield, you're going through enemies at the same pace. One slow two-handed swing would equal a few bashes from dual wielding.