Kezdőlap Hírek Rollback policy változtatások

Rollback policy változtatások


Ismét változtak az account visszaállítás szabályai, ezúttal a visszaállított gemek és a gold mennyisége is változtatva lett. Minden gem Perfect Square-ig max. 500 darab állítható vissza, a Marquise gemek mennyiségtől függetlenül visszakerülnek a tulajdonoshoz. Továbbá a magasabb szintű gemek max. az alant látható mennyiségben kerülnek vissza a tulajdonoshoz.


  • Radiant Square – 250
  • Star – 100
  • Flawless Star – 50
  • Perfect Star – 25
  • Radiant Star – 10


Valamint a crafting materialok max. 500 darabig (Subtle Essence), az artisan training materailok 500 (Tomes of Blacksmithing), ill. a crafting receptek max. 1 darab/per fajta állítható vissza. Max. 10 millió gold kerül vissza a tulajdonoshoz rollback során.

Végül, de nem utolsósorban ismételten felhívjuk mindenki figyelmét, hogy védje accountját autentikátorral (mobilos vagy kütyüs) ill. SMS védelemmel.

Over the past year, we’ve made some changes to our account rollback policy for players in the Asia, Americas, and Europe regions. These updates were an added step in protecting the in-game economy from the noted rise of false compromised account claims by players attempting to duplicate items. To date, these policy changes have been effective in helping to reduce the number of duplicated items in the game.

On August 6, we’ll be further updating the policy to include a cap on gold and commodities that are restored as part of the process, adding further protections for the game economy.

[What’s Changing Starting Tuesday, August 6]

All character equipment (including weapons and armor) restored via the Diablo III rollback service will continue to be bound to the restored account. The restored items cannot be traded with other players or posted on the auction house, but they can still be shared with other characters on the account and sold to merchant NPCs.

Additionally, the below changes to gold and commodities restoration will also occur:
Each gem type (Amethyst, Emerald, Ruby,Topaz) up to Perfect Square will be restored up to a total maximum count of 500 of that type (e.g. 500 Flawless Amethysts). Marquise gems will be restored in full, as they are Bind-on-Account. Higher level gems will be restored up to the following limits:
Radiant Square – 250
Star – 100
Flawless Star – 50
Perfect Star – 25
Radiant Star – 10
Crafting Materials:
Each type of crafting material will be restored up to a total maximum count of 500 (e.g. 500 Subtle Essence).
Each type of training material will be restored up to a total of 500 (e.g. 500 Tomes of Blacksmithing).
Each type of crafting plan will be restored up to a total of 1 (e.g. 1 plan for Cain’s Fate).
Gold restored will be limited to 10 million.
As always we are committed to continuing to monitor the overall health and economy of the game and make additional tweaks if necessary.

[Protecting Your Account]

Considering that the rollback service is intended to help players whose accounts have been compromised, we obviously wish that no one ever needed to use it. The best way to help protect yourself from account compromise is to secure your PC and account, for example by adding a Authenticator. While no security measure is completely foolproof, we’ve often found that many accounts are compromised a second time simply because players do not take any action to protect themselves after being compromised the first time.

To learn more about the Authenticator and some best practices for securing your PC against viruses and malware, check out the links below. Account Security Website
Secure Your Gear With the Authenticator
Account Security: General Tips
