Kezdőlap Egyéb Fire spellek, mobility spellek, Death Proof, fizetős újraéledés

Fire spellek, mobility spellek, Death Proof, fizetős újraéledés


Mai rövidhíreink a következők:

  1. Wizard fire spellek miért nincsenek?
  2. Mobility spellek
  3. Barbár Death Proof Skill
  4. HC karakterek fizetős újjáéledése

1. A wizardnak azért nincsenek tűz alapú varázslatai, mert fiatal, arrogáns, nagyravágyó, és nem az elementális erők használatát helyezi előtérbe, hanem inkább az ősi arcane mágia, ill. tér és idő megváltoztatásának kérédse foglalkoztatja. A Disintegrate varázslat is kinézete ellenére nem Fire hanem Arcane spell és egy erőteljes nagy hatótávú sugárnyaláb.

Bashiok bluepost…

Bashiok: The wizard is a young and very arrogant student. Rightfully so in some ways as she is extremely gifted. She knows she’s better than all of her classmates at mage-school, and even some of the teachers. Something as simple as elemental magic would probably be something the wizard considers beneath her. She focuses on high magics, arcane magic, the control of space and time, and while she does like to focus on weather based magics – she tends to put a slight arcane or unnatural spin on them. If she were to use fire, she wouldn’t do it in such a pedestrian way as to literally conjure it herself. She’d want to make it a bit more challenging. Fire is a physical element that the Witch Doctor uses a fair amount of though. His kit is a mixture of physical magic and the supernatural, which obviously fits very well with his name. We want each class to feel unique, and a separation of visual style is important to basic gameplay, so there’s some intentional guidelines as to how much skill types and styles should overlap between the classes. Bashiok: You could mistake disintegrate as fire based, but it’s actually a beam of pure energy, and is classified as arcane damage.

2. Felmerült a  kérdés, hogy lesznek-e mozgást befolyásoló spellek,(mobility spellek), mint pl. Teleport. A lehetőség fennáll, hogy lesznek ilyen típusú skillek is, de még erősen gondolkoznak rajta, mert a fejlesztő csapat, nem szeretné felborítani a classok egyensúlyát, pl. XY class ebben és ebben jobb, mint WZ class.

Bashiok bluepost…We definitely want to avoid as best as possible a single class being far and away better than all others at something (such as mobility) and thus used exclusively for specific tasks. As long as there is choice and variety in the game there’s going to be one solution that gains a general consensus as being the best at “X”. The hope and the intent is to make the difference between the best and second best, third best, etc. as close to imperceptible as possible so that you can use what ever class/character you want, what ever build you want, and not feel that you’re far and away below the abilities of something else. That’s balance in choice. We’re taking a close look at what those specific mobility issues were in Diablo II and could be in Diablo III, and yes we’re certainly trying to be a bit smarter about planning for it. You specifically mention the witch doctor. With the way he plays and feels a big warp or jump around skill just doesn’t really seem right for him, but he may have a trick or two up his sleeve…

3. További kérdésként felmerült, hogy a Barbár Death Proof skillje (adott cooldownja van, de ha elhasználod, akkor a karaktered feltámad 30% hp-val) mennyire rombolja a Hardcore játékélményt? A skillről még egész keveset tudni, konkrét számértékekről még nem beszélhetünk a skill esetében, hogy mennyit is jelent a 30%. Egyelőre szerintem teljesen felesleges beszélni ilyenekről.-nyilatkozta kedvenc blueposterünk.

Bashiok bluepost…Bashiok: I’d clarify on if it’s even in the game still but watching you guys go crazy over numbers and ideas and what a percentage of health even translates into in an unknown play environment is kind of entertaining.

 So what do you think then, is it op or not op?
It makes no difference. What does 30% health mean? If you have a level 75 barb in Diablo III with no items on, naked, in normal mode, with a single skeleton hitting him, how many hits will it take to reduce his health by 1%? Yeah, there’s no way to know, we have no real concrete information as to how much damage enemies are doing, so arguing over 30% being a lot or a little is irrational. You can’t superimpose Diablo II experiences with stats to a different game.

4. Végül pedig felmerült a Hardcore játékosok újjáélesztése valamilyen ellenérték fejében. Érdekes felvetés, már korábban is felmerült, mindenképpen elgondolkodtató, de az érvek és ellenérvek tekintetében még nem lehet biztosra venni, mennyire működne jól vagy rosszul a rendszer.

Bashiok bluepost…One pay-for idea that specifically relates to Diablo that I thought was kind of interesting was the chance to resurrect a fallen hardcore character. I think this was mentioned by a fan, as far as I know we’re not even thinking about these types of pay-for options yet. But, I think it’s kind of interesting. I’m not sure if I like the idea or not, which is probably why I like thinking about it. There are some obvious pros and some obvious cons, but I’m not sure there’s a clear cut answer as to whether it would work well or not.

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