- Monk és Female Monk
- Witch Doctor petek
- Waypointok és UI
- Bossharcok, Azmodan és Belial
- A fejlesztőcsapat létszámáról
Bashiok bluepost…
The monk skill trees are being fleshed out in high level design concepts and nitty-gritty skill specifics.
[quote=@Diablo]: I think we already sort of promised we would. You’ll see her before too long.
Bashiok bluepost…
We actually removed that. It was hard to manage so we're going for a more calculated way for how you want your pets to act.
Bashiok bluepost…
Updated waypoint design and UI implemented. Waypoints will function similar to Diablo II.
Bashiok bluepost…
In Diablo III we want at least some boss fights that aren't defined simply by having a creature with more health, unique art, and more powerful abilities. We want there to be something more to them, tell a story, have more unique mechanics that make sense for the boss.Well, our story tends to focus a lot more on the two major demons and the impending invasion of Sanctuary.
Bashiok bluepost…
I think we’re closer to 70 now and still growing a little bit.But really having a bigger or smaller number with no frame of reference as to the types and amounts of content being developed is sort of meaningless. It’s more important what’s being worked on, who each person is, their abilities, and the end result than just a sum of the bodies assigned to a team.