Kezdőlap Egyéb Bashiok rövidhírek V.

Bashiok rövidhírek V.


Ismét két aprósággal rukkolt elő, kedvenc kékposterünk,Bashiok.

  • A Dungeonok bejáratát és kijáratát nem túl erős fényeffekt fogja jelölni, ha ráviszi az ember az egérkurzort, hogy könnyebben észrevehetőek legyenek.Természetesen clickelhetők lesznek.

Bashiok bluepost…
To explain, it's the effect that when you mouse over a dungeon entrance or exit, it lights up (or in some way indicates it's a clickable entry/exit).

It's one of those things you don't really think about, and only realize how much it adds after it's implemented. Plus the ones we have are just sweet looking.

This is sort of game-designery geekiness at work; reveling in our own creation. 😉

  • Bizonyos képességek hatással vannak a karater kinézetére, hasonlóan a különböző buffokhoz, debuffokhoz, varázslatokhoz, méregeffektekhez stb.

Bashiok bluepost…
We do have skills that affect the way the player looks, as well as changes based on buffs, or if they're under the effect of a certain spell/poison/debuffs

, what have you. Because of all of these things it's really important that these effects are very apparent, as well as easily distinguished, as they're important to gameplay.

It's obviously a really cool idea, but any visual changes to the look of the character could impair the ability for the player to quickly ascertain the visual cues being given to them. It's something we have to be extremely mindful of.


Előző cikkGamescom 2010
Következő cikkMonster Wall