Kezdőlap Béta Megjelenésre optimalizálva

Megjelenésre optimalizálva


Egy nemrég kikerült párbeszédből, megtudhatunk pár igen hasznos információt, miszerint a Diablo 3 bétája nincs még optimalizálva, és a megjelenésig már nem is lesz. Ez okot adhat az fps leesésekre, a szaggatásra, a játék lassulására. Kaltonis közölte velünk, hogy a kiadott változat már, sokkal jobban fog futni, mint a mostani béta.


It let’s me in the game all right, but it’s in slow motion and not at all fun to have such low frame rates even with all of the settings turned down.

Bear in mind that the beta has its own FPS issues simply because it’s a beta; Diablo III won’t be optimized until release. My custom-built gaming system can’t play the beta smoothly either, but it will be fine on release. Blizzard betas are genuine betas, unlike the glorified demos that some companies refer to as a “beta”.

Still, it is no consolation for those with newer laptops with the intel 4 series chipset, which isn’t supported. Why?

Speaking honestly, the Intel 4 series is equivalent in power to the Geforce 5200FX which came out in 2003. My sympathies for having one. It’s performance was so poor that the backlash from it spurred Intel to finally get serious about designing a somewhat decent onboard video option, and that led us to the Intel HD series. The HD series still isn’t as good as a real video card, but at least you can usually count on most games to be playable. 


Forrás: blues.incgamers, Frostshock