Kezdőlap Hírek Belépési gondok és hibaüzenetek

Belépési gondok és hibaüzenetek


A játékosok egy részének megszakadt a kapcsolat és szinte senki nem tud jelenleg belépni a szerverekre. Egyesek 37-es, mások 75-ös hibaüzenetekkel találkoznak a képernyőn karakterük helyett. Nethaera pár perce postolta a hivatalos fórumon, hogy elindítottak egy karbantartási folyamatot, amely hatással lesz az összes szerverre. A karbantartás megközelítőleg egy órán át tart.

10: 22 a.m. PDT- We are in the process of performing an emergency maintenance for all Diablo III servers to resolve several issues that are currently impacting the game. This maintenance may cause some interruption in communication, ability to log in, use of in-game features, and disconnections. We anticipate all servers will be available for play in approximately 1 hour.

Thank you for your patience.

Lylirra közölt velünk néhány további hibakódot:

Error 37
We’re aware that some players are experiencing Error 37 when attempting to log in to Diablo III. This error indicates that the Diablo III server is full and is likely the result of high login traffic. If you receive this error message, please wait and try again.

Error 3005 and 3006
Along with Error 37, we’re also aware of players receiving Error 3005 and Error 3006. If you receive either of these messages while playing, please wait and try again.

Error 14009/315300
We’re still looking into these issues, but a a player workaround is available in the meantime. If you are experiencing either of these issues and are using Windows, create a new user account with administration powers ( From there, log into Diablo III.


Grayed-Out Login Button
Please make sure that you are using your email address and password to log in to the game. Do not attempt to log in with your BattleTag.

Character Creation Issues
While most of the character creation issues have been resolved, it’s possible that if you attempted to create characters previously and did not log out, you may have actually maxed out your character list with “invisible” characters. If you are still receiving an error creating new characters, log out and log back in and then check your character list.

UPDATE1: Újabb kéket kaptunk, jelenleg az amerikai szervereken folyik a karbantartás:

I’ve updated the post to indicate that this is currently being performed for North American servers.

UPDATE2: Jelenleg az Americas servereken dolgoznak, 22:30 körül már rendben lesznek a login szerverek:

11:30 a.m. PDT- We are in the process of performing an emergency maintenance for Diablo III servers in the Americas to resolve several issues that are currently impacting the game. This maintenance may cause some interruption in communication, ability to log in, use of in-game features, and disconnections. We anticipate all servers will be available for play at approximately 1:30 p.m. PDT. We will provide further updates as necessary. Thank you for your patience.


1:27 p.m. PDT – We’re in the process of testing and implementing multiple fixes for the current service issues. We’ll provide another update in approximately 1 hour.


1:55 p.m. PDT – Starting at approximately 2:15 p.m. PDT, we will be bringing Diablo III servers in the Americas offline for urgent maintenance to address several issues that are impacting the game. We anticipate that maintenance will last for about an hour and that servers will be available at approximately 3:30 p.m. PDT. We will provide further updates as they are necessary. Thank you for your patience.

A hírt később bővítjük további információkkal, amint többet lehet tudni a dologról!