Kezdőlap Hírek Kékdömping



Az utóbbi két napban több témában is nyilatkoztak a community managerek, pl. arról, hogy miért négy a max. player multiplayerben, dolgoznak az endgame tartalmon, ill. több konzolos téma is felmerült. Lássuk is őket pontokba szedve:


  • A fejlesztők jelenleg is dolgoznak azon, miként lehetne felpezsdíteni az endgamet, felmerült ötletek közt van a végtelen dungeon, hullámokban érkező monterek stb.
  • A konzolverzió esetében tévesen jön le a videók alapján, hogy lehetne mozgás közben támadni, mert nem lehet. A támadás és mozgás  vagy pl. dodge, evade etc. mindig sorrendben történik, ill. bizonyos skillek esetében tesz 1-2 lépést a karakter mielőtt használná.
  • Az 1.0.8-ban lévő identify all opcióban egy rövid castbar fog lemenni mielőtt minden tárgy egyszerre azonosításra kerül.
  • A konzolos verzióban van egy olyan funkció, hogy bizonyos eséllyel a health globek, power globe-bá alakulnak, melyek rövid távú buffokat adnak harc közben, pl. +sebzés, +xp, resouce töltés etc. A power globe hasonlóan működik, mint egy shrine, csak rövidebb időtartammal. Egyelőre nem tervezik, hogy PC-re is bevezetik, a későbbiekben akár bekerülhet a játékba.
  • Sokak számára még mindig nem egyértelmű, hogy a konzolos verziót készítők nem ugyanazok az emberek, akik a PC-set fejlesztik, továbbá az sem elhanyagolható tényező, hogy a konzolos verzió készítését a PC-s megjelenése után kezdték el, valamint, hogy a PC-s verzió a fő projekt. Ezen kívül a vannak olyan megoldások, amik PC-n, vagy konzolon megállják a helyüket, de fordítva nem.
  • A készítők  azért alkalmazták a 4 fős multiplayert az 5-6 fő helyett, hogy a játékosok ne érezzék azt, hogy minden karakterosztályból szükség legyen a multihoz. Kb. 4 fő esetében még elviselhető az a rengeteg grafikai és hangeffektus amelyet a játék használ, 5 vagy annál többnél, már szinte semmit nem lehetne látni. (Mondjuk már most is ha 4- darálunk, meg a pakokk is dobálják, a molten, frozen, desecrator, arcane stb, akkor is elég nagy káosz van a képernyőn.- szerk,) A jelenlegi monster hp és sebzés skálázódás pont megfelelő több játékos esetében, ha ennél több lenne jelentősen megnőne az idő, míg egy-egy champion-elite pakk elhalálozna. A group buffoknak, shoutoknak és auráknak  is jelentős átalakításon kellene átesniük, hogy 5 vagy annál több embernél se erősítsék tuúlságosan a partyt, de még single playerben is használható legyen.

Replayability and ideas like Endless Dungeons come up a lot around the office. We definitely have plans to expand the game in these areas. Adding more monster power levels is also something that we have discussed. I personally love the idea of an endless dungeon, don’t take that as a quote that I promised we are adding them though! At the heart of that idea is something really compelling, wave events, endless dungeons, hold out missions etc. Standing as the lone hero, or one of a party of heroes, against an onslaught of demons really sells the fantasy of Diablo, it’s just a matter of taking the seed of that idea and iterating on it to a point where it feels like it fits into the game as a piece and not just “the only thing to do”. I do hope that down the road we can find some way to make that idea a part of the content options players have at their disposal. I’ve said one numerous occasions, in a perfect world, when a player sits down at their computer for the evening to play the Diablo the question I want them to say to themselves is “What do I feel like doing tonight?” not “Ok time to run Act 3 again”.

Quick clarification: you can’t actually move and attack at the same time on console; however, some skills will automatically take a step between attacks to help close the distance (this is because we don’t have pathing on the console version, but use direct control instead). It may look like your character is moving while attacking, but it’s not. 🙂

Similarly, you can’t attack while you’re performing an evade. Your attack does get queued, so it can be performed after the evade move finishes, but only if you time it correctly.

Currently the only way to identify your items is by clicking them one at a time. Our next content patch will be introducing the ID all feature. The decision was made that while maintaining that sense of opening presents is valuable, even with ID all players will still go through the process of evaluating the items in their bag one by one and that’s effectively the same way to get the sense of excitement without forcing players to spend 2 minutes to identify a bag of items one by one.

Will ID All identify these UNID items all at once, or does it just do them one after another, merely eliminating the individual clicks?
There will be a cast bar and at the end of the cast bar all items will be identified.

It’s what we call a “power up” globe. Basically, there’s a small chance that whenever a health globe drops it’ll turn into a power up globe instead. These globes can provide the player with one of several small, temporary buffs (+MF/GF, +movement speed, +attack speed, etc) when picked up and last for very short period of time. They’re similar to Shrine buffs, but are designed to give players a quick boost during the middle of combat, rather than something you take from fight to fight.

Right now, there aren’t any plans to bring power up globes to the PC, but that of course may change as we continue testing and poring through your feedback. 🙂

Our plan is to continue using staggered development, which means the PC version and the console version will have their own separate development teams and cycles. The goal with that is to really allow each team to make the right decisions for their respective platform without impacting the other. We’re working on making an awesome console game. But, at the same time, we’re going to continue to focus on making Diablo III an awesome PC game, implementing the improvements we’ve already discussed and actively watching your discussions to see how we can make your experience even more enjoyable. In the end, if a potential feature rocks for PC, but sucks for the console (or vice-versa) we won’t force it on that platform. And to be clear, PC is the lead platform.

So to answer your second question, the console version is its own game in many ways and should not impact the development of content for the PC version. It will, however, take its cue (in terms of things likes classes, skills, and major features) from PC.

Our plan is to continue using staggered development, which means the PC version and the console version will have their own separate development teams and cycles. The goal with that is to really allow each team to make the right decisions for their respective platform without impacting the other. We’re working on making an awesome console game. But, at the same time, we’re going to continue to focus on making Diablo III an awesome PC game, implementing the improvements we’ve already discussed and actively watching your discussions to see how we can make your experience even more enjoyable. In the end, if a potential feature rocks for PC, but sucks for the console (or vice-versa) we won’t force it on that platform. And to be clear, PC is the lead platform.

So to answer your second question, the console version is its own game in many ways and should not impact the development of content for the PC version. It will, however, take its cue (in terms of things likes classes, skills, and major features) from PC.

First off, the four-player limit isn’t in any way related to the number of classes you can play. One reason we actually preferred the idea of four-player co-op as opposed to five was that we felt if the number was five, then players might feel as if it was mandatory to have one of each class in their party. This couldn’t be further from the truth. We want players to feel like they can charge through Sanctuary with their friends regardless of whether they have four different classes represented or (for example) a group with two Barbarians and two Witch Doctors.

We also wanted group buffs (like auras and shouts) to feel meaningful in both solo and group play. Right now, you buff yourself and others by the same amount. We like that shouts are good and auras are strong, and that my contribution to the group via my buffs feels significant. But as group sizes get larger, the best player buffs would potentially need to be nerfed either by:

Making them to be weaker, and tuned around multiplayer (which is a similar approach to what World of Warcraft uses)
Or reducing the effect buffs have on other players (which is what Diablo II wound up having to do later)

We don’t like the idea of these sorts of nerfs, which is part of the combined reason why we aren’t eager to change the maximum size of groups.

Another factor we considered is that of player contributions. We like that you can really notice the contribution of each person at four players. Whenever you add another person to a group, though, each player’s personal contribution is diminished. This has some bad side effects. For example, if you swing at a monster, it feels good when you’re doing enough damage to see its health bar move. At four players, it’s already possible to be punching a monster and not feel like you’re doing any damage because the bar is moving slowly. This stigma would get worse as you add more people to a group.

Other factors we considered were that of screen noise and the number of players you can follow. At four players, we felt that you were still able to easily keep track of your party-members, but that beyond this size it became more and more difficult to monitor everything on screen. Additionally, the screen noise and spell effects generated by five players simply felt too overwhelming.

In summation, we’re pretty happy about the size of four-player groups. HOWEVER, we know that the multiplayer aspect of Diablo III needs improvement and are already looking into ways that we can further incentivize co-op farming efficiency in patch 1.0.8. Wyatt is currently working on a developer journal about this very topic, so we hope to share even more information soon. 🙂
