Kezdőlap Hírek PTR Patch 1.0.8 Updated Notes – v. és nem a héten érkezik...

PTR Patch 1.0.8 Updated Notes – v. és nem a héten érkezik a Patch


Ismételten frissültek az 1.0.8-s patch szerverek, melyben főleg bugfixek vannak, pl. az ominózus Brawling Witch Doctor paragon szintezés (a Brawling területen, ha megölték a Witch Doctor zombikutyáit darabonként 10-15 ezer xp-t adott, mostmár nem adnak) javítása. A patch nem a héten érkezik, csupán a szokásos karbantartás lesz.


PTR Specific Changes

Certain areas in Act II and Act IV have received further adjustments to monster density


The Magic and Gold Find granted by Fortune shrines can now exceed the 300% cap

Bug Fixes

The “Uncaged” achievement now requires the player to stay alive during the encounter

The “Good Eye” achievement now requires the player to stay alive during the encounter

Fixed an issue that caused the “Self Sufficient” achievement to sometimes not be awarded the first time a player killed Diablo

Fixed an issue that caused the “Death Trap” achievement to not be awarded the first time a player completed the criteria

Bug Fixes

Skeleton King

A bug causing The Skeleton King and The King of the Dead to not play an animation when performing their Whirlwind attack should now occur less frequently


The health of normal Spiderlings has been reduced by approximately 68%

The health of Elite Spiderlings has been reduced by approximately:
4.5% for Champions

3% for Rares

9% for Rare minions

Poison damage dealt by Brood Hatchlings has been reduced by 40%

Experience granted by the following monsters has been reduced:
By 75%:

Brood Hatchlings, Cavern Spiders, Spiderlings, Stygian Crawlers, and Tormented Stingers

By 50%:

Bile Crawlers, Doom Wraiths, Shade Stalkers, Shadow Vermin, Skeletal Crawlers, and Spine Lashers

The chance for the following monsters to drop loot has been reduced:

By 50%:
Bile Crawlers, Doom Wraiths, Shade Stalkers, Shadow Vermin, Skeletal Crawlers, and Spine Lashers

By 25%:
Brood Hatchlings, Cavern Spiders, and Spiderlings

Bug Fixes
Pets summoned by players and items no longer grant experience when killed in the Scorched Chapel

No patch planned for tomorrow. Just standard maintenance.
