Kezdőlap Hírek Aprók: Diablo 2 ladder reset, Május 14-én, nem lesz controller támogatás PC-re,...

Aprók: Diablo 2 ladder reset, Május 14-én, nem lesz controller támogatás PC-re, USB-s egér ill. billentyűzet támogatás konzolra


Apró híreink következzenek:

  • Május 14.-én ismét ladder reset lesz a Diablo 2-ben.


  • Nem lesz controller támogatás PC-re, ill. konzolok esetében USB-s egér és billentyűzet támogatásra se számítsunk.


  • Javítottak egy Brawling bugot, így már a játékosok és a petek sem dobhatnak lootot brawling meccs közben.


It’s that time again! On the morning of Tuesday, May 14, we’ll be conducting maintenance in order to reset the Diablo II ladder. We anticipate the realms could be down for up to six hours, and during that time all existing ladder characters will be converted to non-ladder. All characters and items being converted to non-ladder will remain intact, but once converted these characters will no longer have access to ladder content such as creating ladder-only rune words.

This ladder reset, like all those before it, creates a clean slate where all ladder characters begin at level 1 with no previous items to help them. To participate, simply wait until the Diablo II realms return to service on May, log in to, and tick the “Ladder Character” checkbox when creating a new character. You can track ladder character leveling progress by clicking on the Ladder button from the main Diablo II in-game interface.

For more information on ladder characters please visit here.

In terms of allowing an analog controller hookup for the PC, we don’t have any plans for that kind of support right now. Similarly, since Diablo III for console was designed with a controller in mind, the PlayStation version of Diablo III will not support USB mice or keyboards.

