Kezdőlap Béta A Blizzard felhasználói visszajelzéseket vár

A Blizzard felhasználói visszajelzéseket vár


Lylirra felhívta a játékosok figyelmét arra, hogy most különös tekintettel vannak az Infernal machine eventre és szeretnék a lehető legjobban optimalizálni a játékosok számára: milyen a nehézség, a jutalmazás, a harc mechanikája? Legfőképp a Torment fokozaton játszók véleményére kíváncsiak. A tesztelés idejére a kulcsok és a bossokból eső organok droprate-jét 100%-ra emelték.

As the Closed Beta for Reaper of Souls presses onward, our development team would like to express their extreme gratitude for the multitudes of valuable feedback that has been provided by the community. From this feedback, it has become evident that certain areas of the expansion require more scrutiny than others, and to this end we come to you today to request a call to arms!

Bear in mind that while we would like players to sometimes focus on providing the feedback on specific topics, all feedback is still quite welcome either via the e-mail provided in your Beta invitation or here on the forums.

We are currently looking for detailed feedback regarding:

  • New level 70 Infernal Machine bosses. This can include but is not limited to: overall difficulty, fight mechanics, and/or event rewards.
  • While all feedback is appreciated, we would especially like to hear from players in Torment difficulty.
  • Note that in the current beta build, drop rates for level 70 keys and organs for the Infernal Machine event have been temporarily set to 100%.

As we move forward with testing, we may require additional testing needs. Keep an eye out for similar threads in the future as these needs arise. We do ask that feedback provided in this thread stays on topic – unrelated feedback will be appropriately moderated.

Thank you for your participation! (forrás)