Problémák akadtak a hotfixekkel, dolgoznak is rajtuk a fiúk bőszen, így azok csak hétfőn érkeznek a live szerverekre. A hotfix élesítése után valamikor egy dupla XP buffot is beiktatnak kompenzálásként.
We’ve unfortunately encountered some technical issues with today’s hotfix that will require us to delay the hotfix until Monday. Apologies for the delay on this – the team is hard at work on the fix.
We’ve been discussing all the feedback and are looking into various options to take further action after the hotfixes are live. In the meantime, we encourage you to avoid this exploit.
Additionally, by way of apology, we are looking into providing a Double XP buff at some point after the fix goes out. Although we generally don’t provide such buffs (in order to discourage people from only playing when a buff is active), we feel like the unusual circumstances in this case warrant an exception.
Thanks so much to the community for your heartfelt feedback on this issue. We’ll continue to keep an eye on the discussions here and elsewhere as we continue the era and approach Season 11, and we’ll provide an update as soon as possible next week.