Kezdőlap Béta További RoS Béta változtatások!

További RoS Béta változtatások!


Nevalistis  újabb kérdéseket megválaszolva csöpögtetett hasznos infókat a RoS bétáról:

  • A legendary receptek sokkal ritkábban fognak esni (jelenleg igencsak gyakori látványok a bétában) a következő béta patch után.
  • A Riftekért járó Hoardic cache (greater) el lesz távolítva a játékból és helyette a Rift őrzőjét legyőzve kapjuk magából az őrzőből a lootot (szintén köv. patchben).
  • Jelenleg bountykért és riftekért járó hoardic cache is tartalmazhat mind legendary mind set itemet (nem csak receptet) csupán az esély rá kicsi jelenleg.
  • Kadala a blood shard vendor is oszthat majd legendary itemet vásárláskor, de a drop esély kicsi lesz ám.
  • Lorath Nahr nem fog visszatérni vendorként (korábban Kadala, a blood shard vendor mellett állt és csak áru nélküli cserelapot hozott kattintáskor)
  • Mindegy, hogy a cache-t hol nyitjuk ki: a tartalma már megkaparintásuk pillanatakor elrendeltetett.
  • Még nem egyértelmű, hogy a gambling alkalmával a legendary szerzésének esélyére hatással van-e a nehézségi fokozat amin éppen vásárolnánk.


Started up a new thread for what to do about duplicate plan drops:

Since it’s been mentioned here already, I’d like to clarify – there is a bug with Legendary plans dropping too frequently. It will be addressed in the next patch in the Beta/PTR test. =) At this time I don’t have a patch date to provide, but as we draw nearer, we will keep you informed!

Rift bags = yes very little to no drop rate but I have found new set items from them, so maybe if you get a drop from Rift bag in torment, I have a feeling it has a chance at being any Legendary item where as bty bags may be limited.

Currently, both types of Cache bags (from Bounties and Nephalem Rifts) should have a chance to produce most Legendaries. For those obtained by completing Bounties, this also includes Legendaries that only drop in particular Acts.

That said, we’ll actually be removing the caches that are acquired from completing Nephalem Rifts in the next patch. However, don’t fear! The loot from these caches is just being moved to the Rift Guardian, and you’ll be instead enjoying the loot-splosion when the Rift Guardian is defeated.

Rift bags not dropping legendaries has been a known and discussed issue for weeks now.

As mentioned above, Legendaries should be dropping from both Bounty and Nephalem Rifts caches in the current beta build. We are making a lot of adjustments and tweaks in the next patch, but there’s also some mitigating bugs that have been skewing loot acquisition in this particular portion of the Closed Beta. The Legendary plan bug above is part of it, but Legendaries (including Set items) are also supposed to have a small chance to drop when purchasing from Kadala, the Blood Shard vendor. This was always the intent, it just had yet to be implemented.

So this only leaves regular caches since there’s no way to get Greater Caches unless you plan on bringing back Lorath Nahr’s loot table.

Correct, and Lorath Nahr will no longer be a vendor.

What about the bug involved with opening caches in a higher difficulty?

This should have already been resolved. Changing difficulty should have no effect on the contents of a cache when it is opened. Contents are set when the Cache is acquired.

Also one last question, the Legendaries that can be acquired by gambling… are they restricted by difficulty? Or can gambling not even produce a torment level Legendary?

Need to double check on some info regarding this one. I’ll get back to you when I find out more. =) (forrás)