Kezdőlap Egyéb Bashiok bővebben a rúnákról

Bashiok bővebben a rúnákról


Bashiok újabb információkkal jelentkezett a rúnákkal kapcsolatban, miután Jay Wilson informálta néhány azóta bekövetkezett változásról:

  • A rúnák jelenlegi nevei:
    Crimson, Indigo, Obsidian, Golden, Alabaster
  • A rúnák nevei így nem utalnak hatásukra
  • Az Indigo a Multistrike/Hydra új neve
  • A rúnák nevei valahogy így néznek ki: (minőség) (rúna fajta) Runestone pl. “Minor Alabaster Runestone”
  • Hogy megtudd mit tud az adott rúna, nem kell mást tenned, mint ráhúzni  az egérkurzort és egy felbukkanó ablakban megjelenik, hogy milyen hatása van az adott, tehát így nyugodtan eldöntheted, hogy eladod-e, vagy használod, vagy félreteszed későbbi időkre.

Bashiok bluepost…

Ok, Jay said it was cool, so the rune names we're currently using are:

Crimson, Indigo, Obsidian, Golden, Alabaster

No, that would sort of go against what the purpose of renaming them was, which was to remove a strict theme. I'm not aware of any rune effects we've shown being removed, I think all those still exist just the way they were shown. Just instead of multi-strike/hydra, it's called Indigo, and while for a lot of skills it still has a very mutli-strike theme, it's not a rule dictated by the name….

“[quality] [rune type] Runestone”

I don't think quality names have been decided for sure yet (?), but for example it would be something like “Minor Alabaster Runestone”….

Could be. I don't know that cool factor is as important as clarity, inevitable acronym use, translation, etc. though….

Also I sort of like that they sound like they could exist normally even though the common people of the world probably don't know what they're for. “Oh hey, a piece of alabaster with a rune carved into it. Weird. Maybe someone will buy it. Hey want to buy this alabaster runestone? No? Ok cool.” as opposed to “The mystical viper rune! No idea what it does, just sort of seems like we should call it a viper rune.” …

Pick up a rune and mouse it over a skill and the tooltip will tell you how it affects the skill. The UI does a good job of informing you how each rune interacts with each skill.
