Kezdőlap Egyéb A Skill training rendszerek problémája

A Skill training rendszerek problémája

Egy rajongó az új skill rendszerhez azt javasolta, hogy legyen olyan, mint az Ultima Online-é, vagyis  úgy növekedjen egy skill minél gyakrabban használod azt. Bashiok ismét nem volt rest válaszolni. Az ötletet köszönik szépen, de ez a rendszer (amennyit használom, úgy nő a skillje) nagyon jól működik egyes játékokban, de az nem a Diablo, hanem inkább más kategória. Egyszerűen nem illik össze a kettő.Nektek mi a véleményetek, az új skill rendszerben a skill tanulást hogy oldanátok meg, külön menü, trainer, vagy egyéb módon?Várjuk ötleteiteket.

Bashiok bluepost…
I think it's really cool in principle but doesn't always work out, and is certainly better suited to certain types of games. It's the very realistic concept of 'as you practice something you get better at it'. And that's easily understood through mechanics with very little information given to the player. You swing your sword, and hey, you skilled up in your knowledge of using a sword! You don't wonder where that came from, you know that as you play your character you'll become better at the things you like to do. That's awesome.

What ends up happening though, I find, is through the infinite goal of the player to make their character as powerful as possible as quickly as possible, it turns from a concept of reality into this twisted game of getting near a rat, putting a stapler on the crouch key, and going to work while your stealth skill auto-levels. Obviously that's an extreme case but it sort of points out a flaw in the system. You can and will do things that are very unnatural to gain skill levels that do not keep in the fundamental theme of roleplaying in which the system solely exists for.

It's a cool system, it just doesn't always translate from pen & paper to video games very well. And a multiplayer action-RPG like Diablo? It just doesn't fit thematically.

That's just my personal take on it though.
